It’s Statistically Impossible For The FBI’s Spygate Errors To All Be Mistakes – IOTW Report

It’s Statistically Impossible For The FBI’s Spygate Errors To All Be Mistakes

Federalist: A few months ago, controversy broke out in the poker world. Mike Postle, a relatively small-time player in a local poker room in Sacramento, California, ignited the controversy by systematically accumulating a string of wins, replete with mind-boggling displays of brilliant lay-downs, heroic river and all-in calls, and, in poker parlance, “God-mode” instinct and insight into his opponents’ hole cards.

Many of his sessions were televised on “Stones Live,” a live poker feed streamed from Stones Gambling Hall on Twitch, and eventually caught the eye of a number of poker video bloggers, who took one look at his unlikely victory string and smelled a rat. They then concentrated on his sessions, examining every hand—every hero fold, call, and raise—and particularly noticed his habit of placing his phone in his lap during the sessions. They noticed that he routinely pulled his hat down to shield his eyes as he glanced down at his phone.

They noticed an usual feature—a bulge—on the side of his baseball cap, which he occasionally wore when he wasn’t looking down at his phone. They located similar-looking caps online and found that the bulge in these caps was caused by a device that transmitted audio signals through bone conduction.

In short, they busted him. It could have been anything—smoke signals from across the room, blinking lights, bone-conducted audio signals—whatever. It didn’t matter how he was cheating, what mattered was that his success at the table was such a statistical anomaly in a game and profession guided in large part by micro mastery and manipulation of statistical risk and reward. So there was no question that he was doing something to gain unfair advantage over the other players at the table.

What put these bloodhounds on the trail of the alleged cheat wasn’t the phone in his lap, or the strange shape of the side of his cap. It was the numbers. The percentages. The law of averages. The wholly improbable, unprecedented, all but impossible string of perfect decisions and corresponding cash-outs that could not possibly be accomplished without, well, cheating.

To the veteran poker players, it was simple: The cards are meant to fall randomly, and the cards for this guy always seemed to fall the same way. The man was cheating. read more

14 Comments on It’s Statistically Impossible For The FBI’s Spygate Errors To All Be Mistakes

  1. We might be overthinking this and being too clever by half. FBI/CIA/NSA have been caught dead to rights in a coup attempt. It wasn’t as complicated as poker with cheating devices.

    They lost at Go Fish. And Old Maid.

    These are not James Bond super sleuths.
    They are no more intelligent than Maxine Waters. Not bright people.
    If it weren’t for the invention of the wheelbarrow most of these people would never have learned to walk upright.

    If it weren’t for public service advertisements they wouldn’t know how to wipe their asses.

    Up and down. Not side to side.

    Good grief. You people are idiots.
    But NBCABCCBSCNNPBS will cover for you.

  2. I suggest ALL the IOTW patriots in the perimeter watch the below and the other two episodes:

    George Papa, started a podcast:

    I happen to have started with Episode III and then went back. From THE Horses effing mouth…he was there for the basis of it, the whole freaking thing!


    I just thought, I heard an interview with someone on the Prager show about this…

  3. I have tried to research how many Dems won recounts in 2018 as opposed to the average, and by how much the original margins were. Maybe I am not adept at finding such numbers, but I had a hard time finding any information online about the recounts.

    I think it would take someone with access to a library with NYT archives to look up the numbers from 2018 and compare them with previous mid-term elections.

    I believe the fraud in the 2018 election was all done so that Trump could be impeached.

  4. This shit would not be happening if our side was not also guilty of corrupt activities. The libs tell our crooks, “shut the fuck up or you are toast!” And you know what, they shut the fuck up.


  5. @Anonymous (joe6pak) January 4, 2020 at 11:58 pm

    > This shit would not be happening if our side was not also guilty of corrupt activities.

    Awww! You think “we” have a side. That’s so cute.

  6. “Keystone Kops dupe the Three Stooges!”

    Everybody KNOWS the spook agencies attempted a coup (and it hasn’t gone away) in conspiracy with the Demonrat party and the Media. Apparently the Judicial Branch (or at least a large part of it) is in on the action, too (through the FISA court’s awfully convenient “abuse” and its subsequent silence – which implies consent).
    The heavy-handed clumsy nature of the entire affair, including the comical “impeachment” by the “Intelligence” committee headed by Schitt (of all people) – a known moron and traitor – denotes an arrogance and contempt of the American people that is breathtaking. Apparently, they’re confident that We, the People will do absolutely NOTHING in light of their treasons and corruptions of justice.
    We need to change that attitude.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. It is our mistake! WE ELECTED A LIB PRESIDENT IN ’00. This degenerate appointed/promoted – naming only a few – :Brennan, Clapper, Comey. L. Lerner, Mueller …

    The debauched President who’s group told us in Oct ’16 VOTE CLINTON is our doing! He , and his group, all claim “R”! BTW~


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