Impeachment poll: Clinton’s offenses worse than Trump’s – IOTW Report

Impeachment poll: Clinton’s offenses worse than Trump’s


When it comes to sizing up the impact of President Trump’s partisan impeachment in the House last December, it’s good to look at how he stacks up with other highly criticized presidents.

That’s exactly what pollster Jonathan Zogby of Zogby Analytics did in his latest survey. In it, he asked if voters felt that any of the last 12 presidents, dating to Dwight Eisenhower, committed impeachable offenses.

“In light of the historic impeachment of President Trump by House Democrats, it’s interesting to think what this moment in history will mean and how does it rate,” Zogby said in sharing his data.

“Although most scholars argue events can’t be defined or processed in historical terms for about 40 to 50 years after, we thought it would be interesting to see what impeachment means now for Trump, so we asked survey respondents, ‘Do you agree or disagree that each one of the following presidents committed an impeachable offense while in office,'” he said. MORE

6 Comments on Impeachment poll: Clinton’s offenses worse than Trump’s

  1. It is arguable that all presidents have committed impeachable offenses. The definitions of such acts are so imprecise as to be useless, meaning that it depends on the political and social norms of the time.

    Because we are all imperfect/sinners, if you look hard enough you will find improper behavior in pretty much anyone’s past. I’d find it hard to differentiate “improper behavior” from “misdemeanors” in the context of the Constitution of the U.S.

  2. Interesting poll however it would have been more valuable if the respondents had been asked for examples of what they thought an impeachable offense was for each President they thought had committed such a offense.

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