There Is Something Fundamentally Wrong With Democrats – IOTW Report

There Is Something Fundamentally Wrong With Democrats


Derek Hunter

It’s odd how the political left cheers America’s shortcomings and mourns its victories.

The United States killed the top terrorist on the planet Thursday, and Democrats were…upset. Perhaps “upset” is too vague, they were a combination of angry and scared. 

They were angry that President Trump ordered an air strike on Qassem Soleimani, a man responsible for the deaths of more than 600 American soldiers and thousands more wounded. They tried to pretend they were glad he was dead, that he deserved to die, but their quick condemnation of the action that took him out exposed what they were really thinking. Any statement on the death of a terrorist leader containing the word “but” is not a good statement.

Weirdly, the people who use the word “justice” most often saw no justice in the death of a man who’s been killing innocent people for their whole lives. Ilhan Omar reacted the way someone would when their childhood hero passes away, then tried to fundraise off of it because anti-Americanism translates into cash on the left. 

Rashida Tlaib warned about a “lawless President recklessly moves us closer to yet another unnecessary war that puts innocent lives at risk.” She expressed no concerns for the innocent lives Soleimani had taken over his career. more here

18 Comments on There Is Something Fundamentally Wrong With Democrats

  1. We’re supposed to take the advice of
    Omar and Tlaib regarding

    with One term AOC joining in ?

    How does drug crazed Pelosi handle this ?

  2. Here is how to properly use the word “but” in such statements.

    I am delighted and overjoyed the POS Iranian terrorist is dead, BUT I wish he suffered more and that he had been surrounded by friends and family who would have met a similar fate with the airstrike. A slice of earthly justice was served, BUT his eternal damnation is the full measure of his punishment.

    If you disagree, stop calling yourself an American.

  3. Their problem? Simple.

    They’re communists, and communism must be atheistic in philosophy and in practice because, sooner or later, it must be ruthlessly imposed and enforced, then murder people “for the collective good.” There must be no gods before the god of The State.

    Trace it backwards: everything wrong with them flows from the fact that they’re godless, covetous idolaters.

  4. Inter National Socialists.

    One of the apologies for the abject failure of communism (socialism) over the past century or so is that since it didn’t have the entire world oppressed, it wasn’t able to be fully implemented – those pesky “capitalists” wreckers made socialism dependent on markets and exchange instead of “from each according to his abilities; to each according to his need.”

    Thus, the subjugation of the entire world (Universe) is absolutely necessary for the full socialist experience. The dreams of Xerxes, Artaxerxes, Alexander, Caesar, Mohammed, Tamerlane, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Mao – forged by blood and iron into some sick, twisted, Satanic reality.

    The dream lives on – BS, Warren, O’Cortez, Buttigieg, Biden, Obola, Rouhani, Khamenei, Putin, Pelosi, Schumer, Xi, Kim, Hoyer, and a host of other nihilistic beasts waiting in the wings for their chance to rape, pillage, plunder, and destroy.

    It’s a shame that the educational “system” is so corrupt – but that’s what happens wherever unions get involved.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. If we would re-implement literacy tests for voters we could reduce many problems. The democrats rely on a ignorant and gullible public to keep a choke hold on power. Coupled with the parasites and activists they keep the country’s full potential unrealized.

  6. Who was it that pointed out that progressivism is a mental illness? I really do not like demeaning the word liberal (as in Liberty), but I am sure the original quote is liberalism is a ment…….. well you know.
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  7. “The United States killed the top terrorist on the planet Thursday, and Democrats were…upset. ”

    Why would anyone be surprised that they are highly upset when our side kills one of the top leaders on their side?

    Of course they were going to be upset, and will be again if something like that happens again, everyone should have known that going into it.

  8. I just call ’em Misery Merchants. They’ve learned how to capitalize on misery and victimhood. Just look at their accomplishments for the past half century in any democRAT controlled big city! And where there isn’t any misery they’ll make sure to fabricate some just for something to stand on! So if you ever wonder why there are 57 genders, Racists, Nazis, iSlamophobes, Klansmen, White Supremacists, Misogynists, Sexists, Xenophobes and Homophobes running around everywhere (and under yer bed), just thank a democRAT!

  9. It is acts like these that not only make Trump’s devotees even more committed to his re-election, but it almost certainly convinces others to join us and that scares them to death. If Obama had taken this action, he would be given another Nobel Peace Prize. Liberals’ main goal is to defeat Trump and nothing else matters. Trump doesn’t GAS what they think and they don’t know how to handle that, either. I like to think they’re deranged, but this is all deliberately aimed at convincing the electorate that a strong, decisive leader who puts America’s safety and interests first is dangerous because their real goal is to destroy America. They can kiss my entire ass.


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