San Diego, California Plans to Spend $100 Million for Sidewalk Repairs – IOTW Report

San Diego, California Plans to Spend $100 Million for Sidewalk Repairs

Breitbart: The San Diego City Council is planning to spend $100 million over the next ten years to fix the city’s broken sidewalks.

“The proposal is part of an effort to prevent more lawsuits from continuing to pile up against the city,” Fox 5 reported.

“Sidewalks throughout San Diego are often damaged when tree roots push up through the concrete, posing tripping hazards to pedestrians that can be dangerous.”

Councilman Scott Sherman said the city has spent nearly $10 million in injury payouts, due to residents tripping and falling on the broken sidewalks.

“If we would have addressed these things back in the past, we wouldn’t be having those issues now,” he said.

In one lawsuit, the city was forced to pay Cynthia Hedgecock, wife of former Mayor Roger Hedgecock, nearly $85,000 when she suffered from ruptured breast implants after she fell on a sidewalk, according to KTLA. read more

13 Comments on San Diego, California Plans to Spend $100 Million for Sidewalk Repairs

  1. Former mayor’s wife need 85k to repair her broken boob job from a fall. Why does that sound so right but when you look her image up it seems so wrong. Spoilers she may have been a Malibu Barbie back in the day but back in the day was circa 1960.

  2. Are they going to cut down all the trees that are close to sidewalks. If they don’t the problem will come right back, if they do the greenies will shut them down. They may find out the best solution is remove all the sidewalks.

  3. I love how the article stated that it is the “responsibility of the adjacent property owners to repair the sidewalks”. Where I live in “fly-over country” in Canada, the first 2 meters (approx. 6′-6″)of your front lawn are owned by the city. It is your responsibility to maintain the city property in the same manner as yours – so mow the lawns, weeding and in the winter, you are supposed to shovel the sidewalks. Our street and the sidewalks are in dreadful condition, because the city spends NO money repairing anything. Yet property taxes keep going up to pay for fabulous city worker pensions and to pay for sports stadiums.

  4. Where I live they give you a written notice to repair/replace with a timeline to comply with but if your sidewalks in good condition and they find you doing something to it it’s city property and you get a fine.🤔


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