and a new nickname is born… – IOTW Report

and a new nickname is born…



53 Comments on and a new nickname is born…

  1. Democrat Congress he-she-its reassert their war powers after abdicating them for 8 years.

    Better to trust Obama to do whatever and not put your fingerprints on ISIS, Syria, Libya, etc. by voting on it.

    They fool no one.

  2. Chalupa JANUARY 6, 2020 AT 11:45 AM
    “… Iran is the aggressor. They’ve been at war with us since 79. We are allowed to defend ourselves. Thank God for Trump.”

    …Iran has been at war with us since 79, true, but Islam has been at war with humanity since the 7th century, and they STILL live in it.

    …and THAT isn’t going to change until THEY are ended…or WE are…

  3. …so why not just call him “Murderer” and leave it at that, as he’s killed everything from tiny babies to nations without a qualm or any shred of conscious…

  4. …it isn’t a nickname, but the bible DOES describe him, thus;

    “36 And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.

    37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

    38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.

    39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.”
    Daniel 11:36-39

    …he’s so vain he’d probably enjoy being called a Biblical character.

    It isn’t a compliment.

    So was Satan…

  5. “Wormtounge” would work even though it’s been used, because “Obama” is only the treacherous servent of a lesser evil who, in turn, is only the servent of a GREATER evil, but they can’t resist betraying even each OTHER for very long, it’s just who they ARE…

  6. …I’m also partial to Barry the Indonesian. You can argue if he’s a Kenyan (he is), but even he HIMSELF admits to being adopted by the Indonesian Muslim stepfather that was boinking his slutty mother at the time, which made him not only an Indonesian, but CONFIRMED him as a Muslim, and Barry was his GIVEN name, which again even HE does not dispute, but he never LEGALLY changed it from “Barry Soetoro”, which is why I ALWAYS put “Obama” in quotes,to emphasize that EVERYTHING about his presidency was a lie, starting with the oath of “I, Barack Obama”…

  7. “If Trump is truly taking out people most damaging our country shouldn’t a few Democrats be worried?”

    Not at all.

    Unlike Mr. Shitforbrains McFuckface, PDJT will allow all American citizens due process.

  8. A SNS….I don’t believe Obama is Kenyon….He was born in Hawaii to Stanley Ann and Frank Marshall Davis. Then he became Indonesian with that squirrels nest of relationships…..Frank Marshall Davis seems to have a honkey in his wood pile, so Obama might be at best 1/4 African American…..Obama is 100% phony though….

  9. …keeping with the Lord of the Rings motif, how about The Mouth of Soros? He IS nothing but Soros’ bullhorn.

    …although, evil, corrupt bastard though he be, Soros himself may not like it because it, because of the subtext that his “Mouth” is filled with dicks on a fairly regular basis…

  10. Obutthole was born in Hawaii but died shortly after moving to Indonesia where he was replaced by one of that Kansas Skanks husbands Indonesian spawn! The substitute Obutthole was born a true blue Indonesian and a non-citizen of America!

  11. Iran should “retaliate” by imprisoning the next former Obama administration official or Dem politico who sneaks over there to conspire — or just grab their Iranian investments.

  12. Doesn’t 0bama have 14 bros and sisters? From several different mamas?
    Hey pussyhatters, you might wanna go visit Africa and talk to the tribesmen about women’s rights or something. lol

  13. Drone strikes are a very appropriate tactic for regions supportive of terrorist tactics, but it needs to be paired with a policy of NOT BRINGING TERRORISM PRONE PEOPLE INTO OUR COUNTRY.

    I’d follow up each attack with a ‘shout out’ to our informants in the terrorist organization: if the attack accurately targets leadership, yay, they will hopefully go on a rampage of killing their own. If the attack turns out to be based on disinfo, the locals will blame the liers among them – probably the terrorist org.


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