Investigator says Hunter Biden used identity of dead brother Beau to hide location – IOTW Report

Investigator says Hunter Biden used identity of dead brother Beau to hide location

Washington Examiner:

A private investigator has claimed in an Arkansas paternity case that former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden tried to conceal his whereabouts by using the identity of his dead older brother Beau.

In a two-page court document, Dominic Casey, who has filed as a third-party intervener in the case and previously worked on Casey Anthony’s defense team, stated that stolen identities were used to check Biden into an Arizona rehabilitation facility as Joseph R. Beau Biden III and Joseph McGee. The identities were reportedly found by police after responding to reports of suspicious items inside a Hertz rental car on Oct. 28, 2018.

Biden’s father is one of the leading candidates in the 2020 Democratic nomination race. The Arkansas “Baby Doe” — the gender has not been confirmed — is the former vice president’s seventh grandchild.

The paternity case concerns a child fathered by Biden, 49, with Lunden Roberts, 28, whom he met when she was working as a stripper in Washington, D.C. Beau Biden died at age 46 in 2015. Hunter Biden later dated his late brother’s widow Hallie, the mother of his niece and nephew, but the couple broke up shortly before Hunter Biden married Melissa Cohen, 32, last year. read more

10 Comments on Investigator says Hunter Biden used identity of dead brother Beau to hide location

  1. You know, really, what company wouldn’t want a guy with Hunter’s impeccable credentials sitting on their board of directors? He was almost as qualified as Chelsea!

  2. This bawdy Biden tale is turning into Scranton Caligula so fast that the family poodle is going be waddling in and suing for paternity before we get to MLK Day.

    It’s okay though because an Obama judge will just sentence him to littering.

    You ever suspect that Papa Joe giving Huntie “the talk” consisted of a tickle fight and a discussion about gladiator movies.

  3. ^^^ Yeah… I can see how that went –
    Hunter, didja ever see a grown man naked?
    Hunter, didja ever hang around the gymnasium?
    Hunter, do you like movies about gladiators?
    Airplane wasn’t just a funny movie, it wuz a Biden documentary!!


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