Cory Booker Slams January Debate’s ‘Lack of Diversity’ – IOTW Report

Cory Booker Slams January Debate’s ‘Lack of Diversity’


Democrat presidential hopeful Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) slammed the upcoming Democrat presidential debate due to its stage’s “lack of diversity.”

Booker’s remarks were made in an email sent to supporters on Friday, the same day as the deadline for qualifications to participate in the next debate, which is likely to feature no people of color.

“Today is the deadline to qualify for the DNC’s January debate,” Booker wrote. “Once again, it’s looking like we’re going to see a debate stage next week that doesn’t reflect the true diversity of our party.”

He continued:

I know I’ve written to you about this topic a few times now — and it pains me to have to do so. But, it is deeply problematic that a Democratic primary field that started as the most diverse in history will almost certainly feature no candidates of color in the next debate. This lack of diversity doesn’t represent the ideals of our party — and it doesn’t represent the ideals of our country. MORE

33 Comments on Cory Booker Slams January Debate’s ‘Lack of Diversity’

  1. What diversity does he expect? There is no place for anyone in the democratic party if they’re white, heterosexual, Christian, a US citizen/patriot, gun owner, capitalist, or can objectively think out loud.

  2. What is he talking about? There’s a fag, a fake Native woman, woman of Samoan bloodlines, an Asian and a old mentally handicapped buffoon. Sounds pretty well diverse to me.

  3. This, right on the heels of Obama being elected SOLELY because he was diverse. U can’t please the left. Solving a problem for them will only enrage them and disenfranchise them. Every one of their principles requires dysfunction. So solve the ‘racism in politics’ problem by electing an AF-AM and here they are only a few years later to cry racism, first opportunity they get.

  4. I’ve had ENOUGH of this “You don’t vote for me because I’m this color or that race” CRAP. I would have GLADLY voted for Obama TWICE had his political ideology lined up with mine. That’s it. It isn’t anymore complicated than that.

    You’re just a shitty blowhard of a political candidate Farticus. Now drop out and go get that lazy eye fixed then publicly embrace your taste for sperm. You country doesn’t need you.

  5. This friggin moron…
    Maybe if you and other more ‘diversely’ colored candidates POLLED better you might be up there.

    Blame your shitty politics or blame your campaign manager- but most importantly… don’t forget to blame yourself, Cory. 🖕

  6. He should have brought Rosario out on the campaign trail.

    Democrats can vote for a black candidate who at least pretends to be straight.

    But it was going to be uphill having two black gay candidates within 4 years of each other.

  7. Wanted, Affirmative Action candidate for president! Must be a minority, female preferred, but any shade of color will qualify (no suntanned candidates please)! No other qualifications necessary! Reading, writing and speaking English are helpful but not deemed critical to the position to be filled! Bonus points granted if you can prove that you hate america and its white skinned people, especially men!

  8. Hey Booger, did you ever stop to think that those Democrat candidates, you know the ones lacking minority status, are the very best that the Democrat party has to offer (that fact should terrify everybody with a 50 IQ or higher)?

  9. True diversity is embodied in the conservative movement – – which I believe needs its own party, but that’s a topic for another day.

    Your diversity, Coretta Booker is embodied in the trans-freak – both male and female in one body. Can’t get much more diverse than that, especially if it’s a black tranny.

  10. I agree with Booker. No diversity what so ever!

    All the same type of IDIOT with only slight differences.

    Oh, and America Bob, Its pronounced “Crap-On-Dick”. There are a bunch of silent letters & such in the European spelling.


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