New York’s crime laws imploding: 7 insane prison release stories – IOTW Report

New York’s crime laws imploding: 7 insane prison release stories

Conservative Review:

Weak-on-crime laws and policies are imploding everywhere they are enacted. New York is now the poster child of jailbreak insanity. Yet Republicans nationwide remain surprisingly muted in their criticism. Why? Because so many of them support the underlying premise behind de-incarceration radicalism.

In October, when he wasn’t busy lobbying for more refugee resettlement, Tennessee’s allegedly Republican governor, Bill Lee, told a group of state senators, “We can empty our jails in the same way that some other states have done. I know we can do that.”

Really, Governor Lee? You want to empty the jails the way other states have done rather than emphatically promising your residents you won’t become like the blue states? Well, here is what it looks like to empty your jails when the system is already too weak on holding, prosecuting, and sentencing even repeat violent offenders.

  • Jonathan Armand Flores-Maldonado, a 27-year-old resident of Long Island, was killed on Sunday, directly as a result of criminal justice “reform.” Jordan Randolph, 40, had 12 prior criminal convictions, including charges for numerous assaults, robbery, drugs, and three DWIs. He was arrested on January 1, the first full day of New York’s new pro-criminal laws, for not having a court-ordered ignition interlock device in his car. Yet the judge said he was forced to release Randolph without any bond, despite five prior failures to appear in court! The judge claimed that the law prevented him from even requiring Randolph to wear an ankle bracelet. Well, as habitual criminals tend to repeat the same crimes, Randolph was allegedly drunk driving this Sunday when he slammed into Flores-Maldonado, fatally wounding him. And then … he was released from jail again without bail!
  • While women can’t carry guns to protect themselves in New York City, violent criminals are free to viciously assault them. Eugene Webb, 26, one of the many violent homeless individuals now populating city streets, was arrested last Wednesday for seriously assaulting two women. He allegedly punched one woman in Greenwich Village so hard that she lost two teeth and punched and kicked another woman near Grand Central Terminal. Despite a massive criminal history, including recent assaults on women as well as forced touching, he was released without bail, even though he has a history of failing to appear in court. He was arrested again two days later for reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct, criminal possession of a controlled substance, and obstructing governmental administration. Of course, he was released back onto the streets without any bail. read more

5 Comments on New York’s crime laws imploding: 7 insane prison release stories

  1. Bernie Sanders just said that we have to prevent the “most dangerous man on the planet from getting re-elected”
    Judging by this, California and now Chicago, along with all their filthy democRAT controlled Shit-Holes, unless a strong job base, economy and military are “dangerous”, these Feces-Friendly, Disease-Pushing, Criminal-Loving Commie Assholes are by far and away the most dangerous things on the planet!!


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