Transgender Doll for Children Sold in Russian Toy Store, Provokes Outrage – IOTW Report

Transgender Doll for Children Sold in Russian Toy Store, Provokes Outrage

Well, it’s still a lot prettier than Big Mike.

Pluralist: A transgender doll for children has sparked controversy in Russia, according to a British tabloid.


The U.K. outlet claimed the doll was among the first transgender dolls for kids in the world.

Many Russian social media users were outraged, the Star reported. Go see it.

13 Comments on Transgender Doll for Children Sold in Russian Toy Store, Provokes Outrage

    JANUARY 16, 2020 AT 7:02 PM
    “I may be wrong but I feel your
    average Ruskie dudes don’t like
    the LGBTXYZ.”

    What, Russians don’t enjoy target practice?


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