2020 Women’s March Peters Out After Women Discover Trump’s Not Destroying Their Lives – IOTW Report

2020 Women’s March Peters Out After Women Discover Trump’s Not Destroying Their Lives

Maybe the Women’s March is losing support because it has become more about a man than it is about women.

The Federalist: The Women’s March has an identity crisis. The march was inspired in 2017 out of fear that Donald Trump would in “Handmaid’s Tale” fashion strip women of all rights and dignity. After two years of a Trump presidency, and no such apocalypse, the Women’s March has lost much of its vigor.

Although attendees of the Washington D.C. march did not disappoint in the way of vulgar signs and various shades of pink hats, they did lack the numbers of 2017 and even 2018. One protester told me people are just tired and weary.

This year the march began with a short rally at Freedom Plaza. Rev. T. Sheri Dickerson, one of the march’s board members, started off the rally with the chant, “My body, my choice.” The marchers first made their way to Lafayette Park, then ended in front of the Trump Hotel.

Once at Lafayette Park, the marchers surrounded the White House, where they sang and danced to a Chilean feminist anthem called, “A Rapist in Your Path.” The song begins with, “The Patriarchy is our judge, that imprisons us at birth.” The chant goes on to say, “And the rapist is you, it’s the cops, it’s the judges, it’s the system, it’s the president…”

Few brought up women’s rights when asked why they’d attended the event. Many answered that they were there to fight for climate change and immigration. One young woman named Bianca from Raleigh, North Carolina pointed out that she was disappointed the organizers decided to make their platform so broad. She said she believed a women’s march should be about issues specific to women. MORE

17 Comments on 2020 Women’s March Peters Out After Women Discover Trump’s Not Destroying Their Lives

  1. The problem with leftist coalitions cobbled together is they are a competing group of parasites. They don’t actually share the same goal for the future. They are assembled against a common enemy.

    Angry children fighting together….until they start fighting one another.

    The problem is that they are all selfish and destructive, like unruly children. Dangerous. Irrational.

    No issue supports my point than homosexuals making common cause with islamists within the democrat party.

  2. PHenry
    JANUARY 19, 2020 AT 9:43 PM

    “…Angry children fighting together….until they start fighting one another.

    The problem is that they are all selfish and destructive, like unruly children. Dangerous. Irrational.

    No issue supports my point than homosexuals making common cause with islamists within the democrat party.”

    …indeed, but their common hatred of US is sufficient to unite their uneasy alliance until WE are destroyed, these internecine arguments are quickly papered over so they can attack US first…

    “The big orc, spear in hand, leapt after him. But the tracker, springing behind a stone, put an arrow in his eye as he ran up, and he fell with a crash. The other ran off across the valley and disappeared.

    For a while the hobbits sat in silence. At length Sam stirred. ‘Well, I call that neat as neat,’ he said. ‘If this nice friendliness would spread about in Mordor, half our trouble would be over.’

    ‘Quietly, Sam,’ Frodo whispered. ‘There may be others about. We have evidently had a very narrow escape, and the hunt was hotter on our tracks than we guessed. But that is the spirit of Mordor, Sam; and it has spread to every corner of it. Orcs have always behaved like that, or so all tales say, when they are on their own. But you can’t get much hope out of it. They hate us far more, altogether and all the time. If those two had seen us, they would have dropped all their quarrel until we were dead.’”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

    …and “Dead” is just how they WANT us, each group thinks they can easily defeat every OTHER group, if only they can get rid of US…

  3. I assume that the Women’s March was utterly silent on the oppression of islam on women. Women here do not give a hoot about them; only about their access to murder by abortion.

  4. …THIS one would be good, too, if only the French actually LIVED it…

    “Let’s go children of the fatherland,

    The day of glory has arrived!
    Against us tyranny’s
    Bloody flag is raised! (repeat)
    In the countryside, do you hear
    The roaring of these fierce soldiers?
    They come right to our arms
    To slit the throats of our sons, our friends!

    Grab your weapons, citizens!
    Form your battalions!
    Let us march! Let us march!
    May impure blood
    Water our fields!

    This horde of slaves, traitors, plotting kings,
    What do they want?
    For whom these vile shackles,
    These long-prepared irons? (repeat)
    Frenchmen, for us, oh! what an insult!
    What emotions that must excite!
    It is us that they dare to consider
    Returning to ancient slavery!”
    -‘La Marseillaise’, by someone unfamiliar with the modern French surrender monkey

    …cool song, tho…


  5. Super Night. My point is that they have no common cause other than defeating the comfort of sanity and varying degrees of success for normal people who just push their little carts daily.

    Ultimately the haters cannot succeed. Hatred, envy and vitriol will consume them. And their defeat is predictable.

    I do not fear these children. And we shall be loving and magnanimous to those who realize their folly. As for the others, it will be a lonely and treacherous journey. I pity them.

  6. If you have money for round-trip airfare, hotel, meals, and time off of work to march around and be pissy about everything, maybe you’re more privileged than you think.

  7. ” One young woman named Bianca from Raleigh, North Carolina pointed out that she was disappointed the organizers decided to make their platform so broad.”

    I thought a women’s march would have a broad platform, after all it’s about Broads.

  8. Of course this march for women was about the poor women in muslim countries that wear black hefty bags with eye cutouts that can’t vote or drive. That take beatings from husbands and suffer genital mutilation.

    WaitWhat? It’s not.

    It’s about having abortion up until just after a recently delivered infant lies comfortably on a table until Governor Northam convinces the mother to give him permission to execute it.

  9. I tend to agree on the 19th, except that I know many sensible women. Unfortunately I know many more who are gullible emos.

    Also question the 26th, a Vietnam era amendment, giving 18 year olds the right to vote. I would agree that if there is a draft, then draftees, or even enlisted, should have the right to vote on their commander in chief.

    Other than that, most of you aren’t informed enough to pick a flavor at Buffalo Wild Wings. Some of you are, but you should be administered the basic Americans Civics test given to immigrants looking for citizenship. If you do get higher than an 85, wait until the 21 year old threshold.
    We just don’t advance the nation when knuckle dragging morons vote.
    You know who you are.

    Read the Declaration. The Constitution.
    Read some Federalist papers.

    This message is not to all our youth. But to a majority of them.

  10. A bunch of overindulged losers trying to organize a mass bitch-in while the country is roaring along didn’t quite have the appeal they wished. It probably still escapes them why.


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