Poll: Trump Approval Among Farmers Hits Record High at 83% – IOTW Report

Poll: Trump Approval Among Farmers Hits Record High at 83%


Support for President Donald Trump among American farmers is on the rise, according to a new poll released this week.

According to the latest Farm Journal Pulse Poll, which featured responses from 1,286 farmers, President Trump received an approval rating of 83 percent, a point higher than the previous poll. Only 18 percent disapprove of President Trump. Since Farm Journal’s tracking of Trump’s support from farmers in recent months, the latest poll marks his highest approval.

“Of note is the strongly approve category went up three percentage points from an already lofty (December) number and his highest overall approval ratings ever,” said Pro Farmer policy analyst Jim Wiesemeyer.

“That says the president’s approval is rock-solid,” Wiesemeyer added. “With the recent upbeat news on USMCA and the Phase 1 accord with China, the ratings will likely remain firm ahead.” read more

8 Comments on Poll: Trump Approval Among Farmers Hits Record High at 83%

  1. ^^^^ ouch ^^^^

    sadly, there are probably more illegal/dead voters that will go to the polls in November then farmers

    … but it is encouraging to know the vast majority of farmers are on Trump’s side

  2. Fly over has been sick of DC since at least the early 1980s.

    The D’rats forsook fly over in the early 1960s. It took fly over until the early 1980s to recognize that both D’rats AND GOPelephants had forsaken them.

    Fly over languished for decades, morbidly becoming resolute that no one would represent them, until 2016.

    A brash, egotistical, rude rich guy said he would listen to them. A loud bloviating non-politician said he would fight for them. That same narcissistic SOB started keeping his promises to fly over.

    Fly over is impressed with PDJT. D’rats beware… we will impeach YOU forever.

  3. The other 17% of ‘farmers’ fear they will lose their tax breaks on the half-acre they’ve planted in organic grapes which they sell to the local winery, or that the Hispanic crew won’t turn up anymore and their own kids will have to work the harvest.


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