Iranian Lawmaker Adds $3 Million To Bounty On Our President – IOTW Report

Iranian Lawmaker Adds $3 Million To Bounty On Our President

Earlier reports are that during the funeral for Iran’s terror general Soleimani, earlier this month, one of the eulogizers promised $80 million to the person who assassinates President Trump. Here

Now another Iranian politician has promised his province (Kerman) will kick in an extra $3 million for the death of the leader of the free world. Here

15 Comments on Iranian Lawmaker Adds $3 Million To Bounty On Our President

  1. If that should be even attempted, we (the US / Western civilization) will parachute a herd of feral pigs into Mecca, as near The Kaaba as possible, during the Hajj.

  2. …I’m rather surprised that Democrats aren’t openly adding to it as well, since they have no interest in anything but destroying the United States, and you know what they say about the enemy of my enemy…

  3. “Now another Iranian politician has promised his province (Kerman) will kick in an extra $3 million for the death of the leader of the free world.”

    They ARE Democrats – $3MM of his “province’s” money – NOT HIS. Nothing like sharing the wealth/misery!

  4. Supernightshade – it would not surprise me to learn that the dems aren’t ante’d in to such an “insurance policy”.
    They’ve proven themselves to be completely dishonorable adversaries who are never to be trusted.

  5. Bob M.
    JANUARY 22, 2020 AT 8:29 PM
    “I’ll DOUBLE it… for the first USAF missileman, to launch the MX missile that nukes Tehran!!!”

    …take out Mecca and the Space Rock, and the WHOLE THING collapses…


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