Establishment Democrats Starting To Realize They’re Going To Lose 10 Percent Of Voters, Who Ever They Nominate – IOTW Report

Establishment Democrats Starting To Realize They’re Going To Lose 10 Percent Of Voters, Who Ever They Nominate

According to Tim Pool, the far left is threatening to vote for Donald Trump in November if Bernie Sanders isn’t the nominee. On the other hand, moderates in key suburbs, who back less extreme candidates, will walk if Bernie is chosen to lead the democrat party in November. It seems they’re going to lose 10 percent of their base no matter who the choose to run for president this summer. Watch

16 Comments on Establishment Democrats Starting To Realize They’re Going To Lose 10 Percent Of Voters, Who Ever They Nominate

  1. He’s not even a Democrat, he’s an independent who calls himself a democratic socialist. The Democrats invited this scorpion in, they should not be surprised when he stings them to death.

    The DNC did not kill themselves. No wait, maybe they did when they let Bernie pose as a Democrat.

  2. It’s the radical lesbian faction vs the Antifa faction. The Antifa is mega pissed that the radical lesbians had the establishment Democrats steal the nomination from Bernie in 2016

  3. @Anonymous:

    How did you come to that conclusion? I knew a lot of gay women (and straight women, for that matter) were pissed off at transgenders invading women’s spaces, and rightfully so, but I never heard that they helped the Dems refuse the nomination to Bernie in ’16 or that the antifas were angry with them for it. Where did you hear this from?

  4. I have a life long Democratic friend who could not stomach Hillary last election and voted for Trump he is happy with the job he is doing and anxious to vote for him again. I believe there are many more common sense Dems who will vote for Trump also.


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