Nancy Pelosi Hates The President – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi Hates The President

A video by our Mr. Pinko.

21 Comments on Nancy Pelosi Hates The President

  1. Trump Ignored Nancy Pelosi’s Handshake At The State Of The Union. Then She tore Up A Copy Of His Speech.
    Only refused a handshake once in my life.
    It was offered from delusional POS because they were scared.
    Feel better about that decision now, more than ever…
    Thank Mr President!

  2. The dems are not used to not being able to destroy someone let alone to fall flat over and over and over for almost 5 years with their media working overtime. It has driven them completely mad and beyond the ability to think or act rationally. They are literally imploding in front of us.

  3. Trump has been hard on their businesses. Blocking their illegal drugs at the border. Rounding up their dealers (illegals)and their foot soldiers, and deporting them. Cut their incomes de-funding Planned Parenthood. Cut their supply of underage girls (Epstein). Crack down on human trafficking.
    That’s just here in the US, what has he done to their world deals, with all the renegotiating of trade deals.

  4. She and the party of Dimwits should be billed for three years of the cost of Congress.
    To reimburse the tax pair for this extravagant waste of time and money. She could be indicted for treason as well.

  5. nancy pelosi is a malignant narcissist. She is a vile, evil human being, who would destroy anyone and any institution who stole her thunder.

    She’s completely disgusting, moderately intelligent, and her thunder was COMPLETELY stolen by PDJT. (Btw, PDJT only stole her thunder in reaction to her trying to usurp his popularity.

    She should rot in some hell on earth while she is still alive. Along with clinton, obama, kerry, biden, jarrett, gore, and the rest of the malignant narcissist mob.

    The joke is that the left is trying to pin malignant narcissim on PDJT, but as usual, they are projecting. As we have seen, the democrat party is home to every perv, crook, pedphophile, Jew-hater, traitor imaginable – so long as they pay their dues. In other words, the democrat parrty is the party of malignant narcissists.

  6. The Democrat women are used to pushing around weak Democrat men. Trump has them upside down and sideways and he makes it look so easy. This is funnier than the Road Runner cartoon.

  7. Cmnc is close to the truth. Saudi Arabia funding of deep state eliminated. Syrian black sites and oil fields cut off. Afghanistan drug revenue cut off.

    NAFTA, Paris Accord, Iran nuke deal cut off. Quantitative easing and interest rate hikes of central bank cut off. Iran scantions, trade sanctions.

    China cut off. Boarder cut off. MS -13 cut off. NATO made to pay.

    See a pattern? PDJT and the patriots have spent the last 3+ years cutting off the global money streams and slowing or preventing the war machine.

    The global cabal through governments and their respective intelligence agency proxies have been funding themselves from global conflict, crime, corruption, and terrorism since 1913

    They use their state department’s in peace time and military industrial complexes in wartime to enrich themselves and establish one world government control.

    PDJT is dismantling their global apparatus and sources of finance worldwide.

    This is war my friends.


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