Vox validates shaming and ridicule of “white people” named Karen – IOTW Report

Vox validates shaming and ridicule of “white people” named Karen


If your name is Karen, Becky, or Chad, you may have noticed a growing trend of people using your name as an insult. Increasingly, “Karen” in particular has emerged as the frontrunner for the average “basic white person name” — a pejorative catchall label for a wide range of behaviors thought to have connections to white privilege. And the recently trending Twitter hashtag #AndThenKarenSnapped has further shifted the “Karen” meme from its nebulous origins toward becoming a mainstream trope.

Where a similar insult like “OK Boomer” stereotypes a specific generation, calling someone a “Karen” draws on associations people have built around extremely common names. But the stereotype the name conjures — at least in the US — is limited mainly to white women in their mid-30s or 40s. The archetypal “Karen” is blonde, has multiple young kids, and is usually an anti-vaxxer.Karen has a “can I speak to the manager” haircut and a controlling, superior attitude to go along with it:

attribution, but no link to that scum site

20 Comments on Vox validates shaming and ridicule of “white people” named Karen

  1. I’d say it’s a ‘white’ thing because black names don’t lend themselves to any form of familiarity … they’re all unique & according to their birth mother’s spelling & pronunciation … which often have no relationship

    Quanina, Shalamee’, Ophra, Chanaynai, Kalesha, … & on & on

    besides, it’s just a fad, like Rad, Malarkey, Boss, Gear, awesome, super … etc.

    I think the term ‘Mary Sue’ is a great metaphor for the plethora of female roles that portray ‘instant ultimate warrior’ that are now dominating what passes for movies these days

  2. So. If you don’t have a long, unpronouncable name cooked
    up by an illiterate mother, you must be po’ white trash.
    I’ll try to keep that in mind……………………..
    Still trying…………………….. . . . . . .

  3. I thought Karen caught traction after that video of the American woman in Hong Kong trying to dissuade the protesters from fighting for freedom because “it was too dangerous and they might get hurt”.

    Never saw it as a racial thing….. more of a superior know it all bitch thing.

  4. I’m the “FOG” in the gym. Fucking Old Guy. I really don’t have a problem with it. I’m still big fish in the little pond. As long as they ask “How High” when I yell jump we’re good. I can feel those days coming to an end though. Then I’ll be the FOG that throws his cream corn and mash potatoes on my assisted living care help.

  5. Two of the hottest women I ever knew were named Karen.

    These morons trying to trash older, wiser people, are fucking jokes. Tell them that. And cut them off financially till they grow up and start pulling their weight.

    And fuck vox, too.

  6. I worked with a Mexican named Eric – I called him Eric Tostada in reverence to that Chips guy. He was always saying “we’re taking over” and other reconquista nonsense. He called every white guy Chad. After I moved out of the smelting pot I friended him on Failbook. As soon as he learned I like Trump he dumped me. If that is AOC’s Latino future I want to be far far away from it.

  7. I don’t mind the memes. Some of them are funny. The name Karen is also associated with a lot of cat memes. I can say this because my name is Karen. So what? Ho hum. I don’t have time to be offended by such things.

  8. So the alternative is……

    Put the Scrabble pieces in a box…..

    Blindly pick out 7-10 pieces….

    Spend some time making a random unique name….

    Then hang it around the child’s neck for life.


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