Pelosi Busted for Pre-ripping Speech – Claimed it was Spontaneous!!! – IOTW Report

Pelosi Busted for Pre-ripping Speech – Claimed it was Spontaneous!!!

ht/ woody

16 Comments on Pelosi Busted for Pre-ripping Speech – Claimed it was Spontaneous!!!

  1. I noticed her doing something with the papers at the time it was happening and wondered about it. Now we all know.

    It all goes to show just how NOT accountable she feels toward The People, to do something like that. Because if she thought she had even one boss who would disapprove of her job performance, she would cease and desist all this stuff. This is way beyond “entitled.”

  2. What would an impeached Pelosi look like? I’m thinking a constant fixture on the MSM. More of a detractor than she is now. The ultimate subversive anti American tool. I don’t want her impeached. I want her shot for treason.


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