Milwaukee teacher put on leave after tweeting that Rush Limbaugh’s cancer is ‘awesome’ – IOTW Report

Milwaukee teacher put on leave after tweeting that Rush Limbaugh’s cancer is ‘awesome’

usa today-

A Milwaukee Public Schools teacher was placed on leave Wednesday for tweeting that he hopes conservative talk show pundit Rush Limbaugh dies a painful death from cancer.

Travis Sarandos, who teaches English at Milwaukee High School of the Arts, has since deleted his Twitter account.

Replying to a different tweet expressing hope that Limbaugh would recover and begin advocating for affordable health care, Sarandos wrote: “limbaugh absolutely should have to suffer from cancer. it’s awesome that he’s dying, and hopefully it is as quick as it is painful.”

It drew a small firestorm after conservative radio host Mark Belling blasted the tweet in his blog Tuesday.

this link claims to have a picture of the douche

19 Comments on Milwaukee teacher put on leave after tweeting that Rush Limbaugh’s cancer is ‘awesome’

  1. Maybe his mom, grandmother, sister or aunt will get cancer?
    How bout’ Dad maybe there Traaaaaavis?

    Hey, just wonderin’?

    Maybe IF that were to happen, then this prick MIGHT learn a thing or two.

    Fuck him and the mule he road in on. I’m done with these pathetic naive nasty c’esrs our ‘public servants’ I am told.

    More like public indoctrinators.

  2. ..If you keep him on leave then make him do 6 months of 12 hour nightshifst at a hospice as a bed pan handler….The whole nine yards, gathering the pans, washing them, then returning them to the proper position. Then make him suck the death rattle phlegm out of all the patients on his watch….

  3. Cancer is a horrible thing, a family friend recently passed away after being diagnosed with lung cancer, they killed the lung cancer, but it came back in other organs.
    Nobody should ever wish such a thing even on their worst enemy.

    I’m certainly no fan of Jimmy Carter, but when it came out about him being ill, I didn’t wish pain and suffering for him and instead wished the opposite for him and prayed for him. The same with Nadler’s wife, I have sympathy for her and even him, the suffering and misery caused by cancer is horrible and it’s hard on the loved ones who have to watch it.

    Majority of public school teachers today are evil leftists and this is just one more example among many of that fact.

  4. Uncle Al, after looking at his picture, he looks like a child molester as well.
    I’m beginning to think that’s the only reason they go into teaching anymore is to look for kids to molest.

  5. For me it’s personal, I do not wish cancer on anyone, not even my worst enemy. My wife died from leukemia, my best friend had cancer and he is a survivor and I’ve known far too many people who have died from cancer or are in remission. A pastor friend of mine who I have known for 45 + years just recently found out that he has leukemia. Rush has done far more privately and publicly to help the Leukemia Society with his annual telethon and given far more of his own money than this idiot knows. Good deeds especially those done in private don’t go unnoticed.

  6. Over a decade ago there was a big Lefty DJ name of Lopez
    on 98 Rock radio in Baltimore who while on the air would
    declare that he wanted a particular conservative
    to die from cancer.
    A few years later, guess who got cancer and croaked?

  7. I hit the link and it took me to the Blaze site. There is a picture of him in the comments section but also a television news report whixh states he teaches English and JOURNALISM. I guess that makes sense. He just said out loud what you know the majority of the MSM is thinking.

  8. Leftist with cancer = tragic, call for a moment of silence, show respect for their family, it’s some conservative’s fault, be sad about it or you’re hateful

    Conservative with cancer = it’s God’s judgment, it’s karma, it’s time to point-and-laugh at their family, use it for comedy material, draw cartoons celebrating it, it’s hilarious, be happy about it you’re hateful

  9. And Gov Evers (Wow, will you Evers regret electing him) wants to give all these teachers raises from a tax surplus. He’s called a special session of the legislature to pass that. I hope the Repubs in Madtown do what they did the last time – convene the session then immediately conclude it. Give the tax money back to us who paid it!

  10. ^^^ One truism that always holds up is:
    If you give a politician more tax money, they WILL find a way to burn it!
    Just don’t give it to them in the first place!
    Now we just have to start working on all those “fees” that aren’t a “tax”…


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