Man Claims He Set $1M on Fire to Keep It from Ex-Wife – IOTW Report

Man Claims He Set $1M on Fire to Keep It from Ex-Wife

Breitbart: Bruce McConville told a judge he withdrew and then burnt over $1 million to keep it from going to his ex-wife.

Superior Court Justice Kevin Phillips has ruled that McConville will cool his heels in jail for 30 days, after the 55-year-old former mayoral candidate from Ottawa admitted the extremes he went to in order to keep from paying over $300,000 in spousal and child support. “How does destroying over a million dollars advance your child’s best interest?” the judge asked.

McConville admitted to selling multiple properties, banking the money, then withdrawing that money in cash over a series of 25 ATM transactions. Once he had gathered the approximately $1,050,000 together, he set it on fire. “It’s not something I would normally do,” he told Phillips. “I am not a person that is extremely materialistic. A little goes a long way. I have always been frugal. That’s why my business lasted for 31 years.” read more

16 Comments on Man Claims He Set $1M on Fire to Keep It from Ex-Wife

  1. He should be forced to show where the bonfires were so the ashes can be analyzed to confirm they are burned money (and in sufficient quantity to support the amounts claimed).

    If he can’t or won’t do this, he should be held accountable for it to the fullest extent allowed by law. I’m guessing he would probably refuse to do it if ordered to.

    I have nothing but contempt for any man that refuses to support his children, that is something that shouldn’t even need a court order.

  2. My favorite (apocryphal) story is of the California Highway Patrolman who refused to retire until his ex wife died because she would get 1/2 of his pension. Last I heard, he was in his mid-80s and still working.

  3. Nice to see my hometown in the news 🙂
    I think he’s lying. You can’t get over a million out of ATM’s with only 25 transaction. There’s a limit on daily withdrawals to stop a thief from clearing out a bank account if they snagged the ATM card and the password (well, pass number). Having said that it would be interesting to note how long a period the $300K in alimony was for.

  4. @ Anonymous FEBRUARY 7, 2020 AT 10:22 AM

    I have nothing but contempt for any man that refuses to tell a court that rewards bad behavior under the guise of “the children” to go fuck themselves

  5. Mamma’s baby; Pappa’s maybe.
    Children rarely benefit from “child” support.
    Usually (well, sometimes) it finances an extravagant wanton lifestyle.

    It’s a penalty for the ex-wife hiring a better lawyer than the ex-husband hired.
    Other than that, dude penalized himself twice over what the court did.

    Dumb fuck. Rent from now on.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @ Tim FEBRUARY 7, 2020 AT 12:23 PM

    “Usually (well, sometimes) it finances an extravagant wanton lifestyle.”

    Damn near without exception is more like it. The whole concept is a racket.

  7. @Anonymous February 7, 2020 at 10:22 am

    > He should be forced to show where the bonfires were

    Why? Eric Holder told the government “Go f* yourselves”. Got pensions, and promotions. Hillary Clinton keeps telling the government “Go f* yourselves”. Gets pensions, and promotions. This guy says “Things happen”. And you want to turn him into a lampshade.

    > I have nothing but contempt for any man that refuses to support his children

    Oh! Why didn’t you mention man hating, lesbian, feminist? In the first place?

  8. The suggestion that exwife gives a crap about it’s offspring is as often ludicrous as it has any relationship to fact. No Fault Divorce is nothing more than a racket.

  9. This reminds me of a divorce story many years ago.
    The wife was ordered by the court to sell the couple’s Mercedes and give half of the money to her husband. She sold the car for $5.


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