California Trailer Parks Disappearing As Property Values Soar – IOTW Report

California Trailer Parks Disappearing As Property Values Soar

San Diego Reader

Even though mobile homes remain the largest form of affordable housing in California, a state of California/Stanford University report said that because mobile home park property is worth five to six times more if it is instead used for high density development, the homesteads long known as trailer parks are “vanishing.” There have been no new mobile home parks built in California since the 1980s.

Oceanside is thought to be a haven for mobile home park ownership because of a 1982 rent-control ordinance. Yet some warn the future is looking bleak for some of Oceanside’s 2,500 mobile home tenants.

For decades there were 17 Oceanside mobile home parks, most built in the 60s or 70s. But in 2017 the owner of the 21-space La Playa Vista park flat out ignored the city’s ordinance that mandated a mobile home park owner advise the city and then get approval of its closure. Condos are being planned for the La Playa property on Tremont Street west of Coast Highway. More

So much for Jim Rockford, living in his beach side trailer. Go to the 5:30 mark to see Rockford’s trailer spot today Here. – Dr. Tar

11 Comments on California Trailer Parks Disappearing As Property Values Soar

  1. If you find a shitbird caused a shit storm and forced you out of a shitty trailer park, then consider moving to Sunnyvale. Randy and I almost have those shit weasels right where we want them. How? We let the liquor do the thinking.

  2. The only people left in CA will be the rich, the poor/lower classes in Section 8 government-funded housing, the bums on the street and millenials living 10 to an apartment.

  3. Money doesn’t talk.

    It screams !

    Low income people who have a
    ” time immemorial ” entrenchment or
    ” grandfathered rights ” will soon be
    relieved of those rights,
    regardless of long precedent law.

    You have NEVER owned your property.

    Your taxes are the mere abatement of
    gov’t seizing your land even when

    Condemnation and Eviction when your
    land is desirable.

    So-called democracies are no different
    than the Communists and Fascists

    When they want your land !


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