Fungi that eats radiation found inside nuclear reactor – IOTW Report

Fungi that eats radiation found inside nuclear reactor

FOX: A type of black fungusย that eats radiation was discovered inside the Chernobyl nuclear reactor.

In 1991, the strange fungus was found growing up the walls of the reactor, which baffled scientists due to the extreme, radiation-heavy environment.

Researchers eventually realized that not only was the fungi impervious to the deadly radiation, it seemed to be attracted to it.

A decade later,ย researchers testedย some of the fungi and determined that it had a large amount of the pigment melanin — which is also found, among other places, in the skin of humans. more here

23 Comments on Fungi that eats radiation found inside nuclear reactor

  1. ๐Ÿ”ฎ OLD NEWS! ๐Ÿ”ฎ

    In nuclear waste dumping grounds, they discovered about 40 years ago, that a type of weed would grow in contaminated soil and actually “EAT” nuclear waste. Scientists have known this for a long time.

    Additionally, M.I.T. researchers use ALGAE that eats CO2 pollutants from factory smokestacks, and as it grows, you can actually eat the algae because it’s safe after the pollution is digested and converted.


    ๐Ÿ’Ž Electric cars were invented over 100 years ago.
    ๐Ÿ’Ž Generators that move solely on perpetual magnet power doesn’t need electricity for motion.
    ๐Ÿ’Ž Focused mirrors can melt steel using sunlight, which can be used to boil water for steam / energy creation.
    ๐Ÿ’Ž Man converts water into HHO to power his former acetylene torch, and power his car.
    ๐Ÿ’Ž Man invented a natural fire retardant resistant to even a nuclear flash with baking soda and other ingredients from his garage, as featured on “Fight Back with David Horowitz.”
    ๐Ÿ’Ž People have been using used french fry oil to power their diesel trucks using a strainer and converter kit.
    ๐Ÿ’Ž The power of water evaporation creates natural energy in the desert, and can be captured and used.
    ๐Ÿ’Ž Gravity pulls a small generator that turns on LED lights for poor people in Africa, just need to reset the pulley, and it keeps going.
    ๐Ÿ’Ž Heck, even the movie MAD MAX used “Pig Shit” as a fuel, and it actually works. The methane can be captured and used as a substitute for propane for cooking.

    The reason these things have not been developed is because energy companies don’t want them to be, or they buy the rights to them to keep it off the market. So all that “Global Warming” garbage is a FRAUD, there are PLENTY of ways to use free energy and save the planet, but neither the activists nor politicians want anything to do with it.

  2. I find it hard to believe energy companies are snapping up these ideas and killing their use in the market. Maybe just maybe what sounds great on paper does not necessarily translate well in practice.

  3. Alpha?
    Eats em?
    That smell isn’t rotting radiation – that’s BULLSHIT!

    Alpha are Helium nuclei.
    Beta are electrons and positrons.
    Gamma are photons.

    Fungi may eat and cling to radioactive stuff, and enjoy it, but it doesn’t “eat” the radiation.
    And you NEVER get something for nothing! Not in the Universe, not in Outer Space, not in real life. Conservation of Energy (which includes Mass). Maxwell discovered the link between Electricity and Magnetism, just as Einstein did Mass and Energy. Ya still can’t get “free” shit (even if, sometimes, it appears to be free, cuz you can’t see the price).

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @mithrandir: Mo offense meant, but that list needs some skeptical vetting.
    1. No such thing as perpetual motion. People have been trying – and failing – to violate the laws of physics for centuries.
    2. The pulley/LED thing is a little vague.
    3. Focused mirrors are currently being used as solar power “fuel”. However, like most ‘renewable’ energy implementations the materials are short-lived and cost more to produce than the value of energy they generate. The wind farm proponents are finding out, too.

    A lot of the renewables are great ideas and should be explored as experimental / proof of concept items. They are being installed and implemented as if they were fully capable of handling the existing power needs. Energy storage is the real key. Solar doesn’t produce at night, wind turbines don’t work without wind. If you store a gallon of gasoline properly it will have a shelf life measured in years. Nuclear power will run an aircraft carrier for a decade.

    Once again, no disrespect is intended.

  5. TheRealTruthSerum…that pulley generator thing is for real and so simple. It was on MO Roccas science show. You put a weight on a pulley on a generator and pull the weight up to the ceiling. As it slowly falls it turns the generator which powers an led in African village homes. Simple and ingenious. You should all watch that show. There’s amazing things being invented all over the world.


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