Picking Up a Stray Kitty – IOTW Report

Picking Up a Stray Kitty

What do you do when you are bicycling around the world and you find a poor, scraggly kitty? You feed her, you pet her and then try to move on. After all, you can’t take a kitty on your bicycle, can you?

Here is his YouTube Channel with his travels with Nala, 1bike1world.

h/t Different Tim

20 Comments on Picking Up a Stray Kitty

  1. His YouTube channel is really good. He has good video skills and puts one out about once a week. He also rescued a sickly dog and took it to the vet to be cared for while holding off on his adventure until it got better. Even took the trouble to go through the process of arranging for it to be sent to his sister in his home country so he’ll have two friends when he ends his journey. A good YouTube channel to subscribe to if you like this stuff plus the more subscribers he has will help him fund their adventures. Tough looking guy with a good heart.

  2. I thank god all the time for people like this. What a great guy.
    All my cats are strays, but nothing like what he did! Amazing.

    Thanks Different Tim and Claudia. Will check out YouTube!

  3. Very cool story….makes me smile at the kindness of many people toward animals.

    Not to sound too much like a unicorn worshipper, but it’s a much nicer story than the one about Union General Sherman a few days ago.

  4. I sure like stories like this. So much of the news is depressing (with moments of joy when President Trump is winning!), that I just need to see the good side of humans.

    The dodo Twitter page has quite a few of these stories.

    I subscribed to 1bike1world to help him continue his travels.

  5. I miss my tabby. A man’s cat. If the ladder went up and there’s work to do, Beans came up to help.
    When the jon boat came out for a paddle around the pond Beans was first mate.

    I love all dogs. But when a special cat, a trooper, captures your heart, that’s pretty special. I don’t do much recliner time, but Beans always flew across the house from whatever he was doing, when he heard me deploying the recliner. Lap cat specialist.

  6. PHenry, I like dogs too but cats better fit my busy lifestyle. I’m away from the house for long periods of time and that’s not really fair to dogs in my opinion. Cats don’t seem to care as much. (Sometimes I don’t think they care at all) When I stop working getting a dog is number one on the bucket list.

  7. That’s one lucky cat. There are lots of stray dogs and cats in Eastern Europe as most people can’t afford pets. Whenever I stopped for fuel I would feed the numerous dogs that hung out at the gas stations looking for a handout. No such luck with cats as they would be extra wary of humans and run away.

  8. All my kitties have been shelter animals or, my latest orange tabby, a young stray. Such a heart-warming story. Thanks for posting!

    There’s something very revealing about a person who shows so much loving kindness to a defenseless animal.

  9. “defenseless animal”
    Our cat, which should have expired long ago, has her own protection detail in the form of two Labs. They love that cat and will chase anything that poses a threat away from her. She’s gotten really good at running towards the mutts while being attacked by feral cats.

  10. I have both with three different versions of “cat” offered daily.

    The dog loves me so much he’s in the way all the time. Sounds nice, but in my small house there is no “busy-ness” of walking around the house without him in the way with his adorable “where we going, Dad?” eyes. “Move!” is the most uttered word around here when not on the phone.

    He’s jealous of the boss cat. He sees his 100 lbs and her 11 lbs and suffers cognizant dissonance from being denied what he sees as true: “I can take her. Easily.”

    Boss cat is Sylvia. She’s not happy I added any inside animals besides her, so I owe her. She’s worth it. Truthfully, I could put all the others down if it becomes needed, but I don’t think I could with her. She has only meowed twice since Dec 2004, when I got her. She never jumps on the kitchen counter. She comes running at bed time. She absolutely beautiful in her markings and personality. She’s a gift from God personally. A stunning pure black & pure white pattern with boots and gloves in a mid-length fur.

    Office kitty (nee Nicki) is a normal, annoying, loving wall flower cat that came with the dog in 2015. Submissive to Sylvie, but ignores the 100 lb guy that ain’t too happy with her either. She is mostly black with an incomplete tuxedo look. She’s a sweetheart, she’s probably the perfect stereotype of a cat. Meows for food a lot (Something Sylvie has never done). Likes to be petted. Predictable.

    Then there’s Ninja Kitty.
    She allows you to pick her up, but that sh*t better stop quickly. Outside temp 110 degrees or 10 degrees? Doesn’t want inside your lame house.

    If she could talk, I think she’d keep it short. “Feed me” followed by “Leave me alone” and at some point “Want what’s left of this dead pigeon?” and “f^&k you”.

    She’s dressed in pure black and kills things. She’s Ninja Kitty.

  11. Our cats are shelter kitties, all 7 (was 10) of them. We lost three in the past 15 months. Tough, that. You understand, I know.
    My favorites have been black cats that I adopted in their last years. I loved taking care of them. Hey, they needed me and I needed them. I miss them terribly when they go.
    People who save animals, like this guy in the video, are Angels on earth.

  12. I’ve seen his videos before and they never get old.
    We have cats. I like other people’s dogs. Mostly because dogs need a lot of time and we aren’t home every day.
    My current cat, “Kitty” was rescued from a family where she didn’t get proper care. She’s been a joy.
    Except she insists on sleeping right on top of me.


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