Claim: White House Reportedly Identified, Will Remove ‘Anonymous’ Resistance Official – IOTW Report

Claim: White House Reportedly Identified, Will Remove ‘Anonymous’ Resistance Official

Breitbart: The anonymous member of the Trump administration who penned a scathing anti-Trump op-ed in the New York Times, asserted his or her position as a member of the “resistance,” and went on to write a tell-all book has been pinpointed by the administration and will be removed, former U.S. Attorney Joe diGenova claimed on Monday.

DiGenova, who is not a Trump administration official, claims that a senior government official informed him that the Trump administration has identified the senior official behind the infamous “resistance” op-ed, which was published in the Times in 2018. read more

15 Comments on Claim: White House Reportedly Identified, Will Remove ‘Anonymous’ Resistance Official

  1. I doubt it’s either of those two. Look for some lower level self important unibrow who never opens her mouth. A person who listens in to water cooler gossip.

    And I obviously don’t know the gender of this sneak.
    Pretty sure about the unibrow though.

  2. If they actually know who it is they shouldn’t simply be frog-marched out, the WH needs to determine whether they broke any laws either civil or criminal and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. No kid gloves, no forgiving, nothing. Destroy them and start looking for more. There has to start being real world consequences for these people.


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