Ruth Bader Ginsburg Puts Nail In The Equal Rights Amendment’s Coffin – IOTW Report

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Puts Nail In The Equal Rights Amendment’s Coffin

FEDERALIST: At Georgetown University’s Law Center Monday, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said the manner in which Virginia passed the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is too controversial.

Activists have tried since 1920 to pass the ERA, which adds to the Constitution that “equality of rights under the law shall not be abridged… on account of sex.” The controversy lies in what the intended and unintended consequences of this bill would be given the gender identity spectrum in the 21st century, the nation’s runaway judiciary, and that the sexes have differences that matter and sometimes affect law.

When the debate was last raging over ERA in the 1980s, Congress imposed a deadline for it to be ratified by at least 38 states to become a constitutional amendment. The states failed to achieve full ratification before the deadline, which ended 40 years ago. Despite that, in 2020 Virginia adopted the ERA under new Democrat leadership.

While Ginsburg believes in some form of an ERA, she does not believe passing an expired constitutional ratification is a right way to accomplish this goal. read more

9 Comments on Ruth Bader Ginsburg Puts Nail In The Equal Rights Amendment’s Coffin

  1. I remember back to the 1970s and although I was just a teenager it impressed me that this was nothing more than redefining fairness to mean we are not getting our way 100% of the time, to make things fair we have to get our way 100% of the time. I watched the Sunday shows and each time this topic was the topic the message from the supporters was always a variation on the same theme.

  2. @Aaron Burr February 11, 2020 at 9:57 pm

    > Virginia legislators and “Florida Man” could swap places and no one would notice the difference.

    Cinemaphiles would. Florida Man never says “Hold the camera, and stream this!”

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