Electile Dysfunction: Joe Biden Pulls Out Early from New Hampshire – IOTW Report

Electile Dysfunction: Joe Biden Pulls Out Early from New Hampshire

Breitbart- ROCHESTER, New Hampshire β€” Former Vice President Joe Biden announced Tuesday morning, in the midst of voting in the New Hampshire primary, that he is leaving the state, skipping his β€œvictory” party.

Instead, Biden said, he would go on to campaign in South Carolina, where he hopes to win the state.

14 Comments on Electile Dysfunction: Joe Biden Pulls Out Early from New Hampshire

  1. Yea, he’s the Paul Revere of getting the fuck out of Dodge. First, he hid. Then he popped his stupid head out of its hole to yell at a woman and call her a lying dog face.

    Now he’s going to rely on South Carolina blacks to bail him out? Fat chance. He’ll be sleeping in the pews of black churches and working on his complicated handshakes but Gaffe-O-Matic is just going to be turning his race baiting up to 11.

  2. “electile dysfunction” — that’s funny.

    Why does Slo, Quid Pro Joe keep on with this? Because when all you’ve ever done your adult life is stand up on a stage and tell big fat lies, that’s all you know how to do. That’s why. Pretty dang pathetic when you think about it.

    Why can’t old pols just go out gracefully instead of letting their dementia hang out for all to see. It’s gotta be the lust for power.


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