Biden Defiantly Declares “Iowa and Nevada” The “opening bell” – IOTW Report

Biden Defiantly Declares “Iowa and Nevada” The “opening bell”


Former Vice President Joe Biden delivered a gaffe-ridden but defiant message shortly after suffering a blowout in the New Hampshire primary.

Speaking to supporters in South Carolina, where he retreated after defeat in New Hampshire was all but assured on Monday, the former vice president remained defiant that his White House prospects were still very much credible. More

16 Comments on Biden Defiantly Declares “Iowa and Nevada” The “opening bell”

  1. Good news, Joe – you still have 55 more states to make up the difference, assuming Sanders wins in Nevada and New Hampshire then decides to change its results.

  2. The Cruising for a Bruising Bus Tour needs a new driver! Our Joey thinks he just lost in Nevada, not Vermont! No Malarkey, man. Next stop, North Carolina. Then it’s on to Oklahoma, where Joey never met a young girl he didn’t want to sniff. Did Joey tell you he was Baracky Obumbler’s favorite Vice President? He’s so proud of his son, Humper Biden, and loves all those grandchildren, even the one he’ll never meet in Missouri. Don’t be a lying, dog-faced, Pony Shoulder! See you in Muskegon for the Democrat-Socialists Convention!

  3. …and Cory Booger proclaimed himself to be Spartacus, and Elizibeth Warren proclaimed herself to be native American, and Obama proclaimed himself to be the messiah, and Jimmy cracked corn and I don’t care.

  4. “Jimmy cracked corn and I don’t care.”

    Why does no one care if Jimmy cracks corn? Jimmy cares.

    But are we talkin’ whiskey – or humor? ‘Cause I gave up the whiskey. Now, a good gin – that’s different. It’s an excuse to consume massive amounts of lime and/or lemon juice until your nose gets numb.

    But I digress off topic…

  5. Biden, gracious as always, said he did poorly in Iowa and New Hampshire because they were not very “diverse”.

    My finely attuned dog whistle decoder algorithm tells me that Biden sees himself as Soul Brother #1 to the negroes absent in the greater Crackerdom regions of the Midwest and Northeast.

    A bold assertion to be sure coming from a man whiter than Jim Gaffigan taking a milkbath in a snowstorm to call IA and NH Dems racists because of his obvious crossover appeal to the darker constituency.

    If I see him eating pigs feet by week end, I owe everyone a coke.

  6. This was a really big fukkin deal … and y’know …… an I now … that w’ere all in this thing … like a good many other dog-faced pony soldiers who runs ahead of the pack – an shit – so wer’r off to the sunny Carolina’s to get some sun – an stuff – and see about those butt-gigs and sanderses there!
    Warren – well her hair don’t smell os ggod Is it shud – but thas prolly cuz she ain’t as yung as yang. An she’s a indian, an all …… but thas OK … it OK ….. see? I still like to touch her an she smells like beer …….. but tehre was this guy ….. hwo was a bad dude ….. wnet by the name of Corn Pup. An he’d feel my leg hairs! Yeah, jusr run his hand up and down my leg y’know – it kinda felt good but he’d stop at the bottomes of my swim trunks!

    Anywayz what was I goin on about? I had this thot but it kinda skipped away …..

  7. Seems Jolt’en Joe’s already taken one too many punches to the old noggin before the first round even began. He doesn’t even seem to know where’s his corner. Somebody needs to throw in a towel before he really gets hurt.

  8. When Joe finally does travel to Nevada, people should remind him to find the “Opening Bell.”

    “Mr. Biden, where is the “Opening Bell?”

    “Huh? Whatchu talkin bout? WTF state is this?”

  9. Whatta maroon. 🖕
    I can’t wait for the old coot to either expose himself to an audience of children or keel over sniffing someone.

    Either way I’m severely tired of his presence in the news cycle.


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