3 cheers for the brave high school girls taking on the transgender lobby – IOTW Report

3 cheers for the brave high school girls taking on the transgender lobby


Publicly criticizing the transgender lobby these days is no small thing. Consider J.K. Rowling, who was the recipient of sustained global outrage after she noted, correctly, that “sex is real” and is not dependent upon subjective feelings about “gender identity.”

Celebrity host Mario Lopez, meanwhile, recently issued a groveling apology in response to furious criticism after he pointed out that it’s “dangerous” to encourage three-year-olds to decide if they are one sex or the other. Some years ago, a man who identifies as a woman threatened conservative commentator Ben Shapiro with violent assault because Shapiro referred to the man as “sir.”

It can be hard enough to face down this sort of fanaticism when you’re a celebrity with an established career and lots of money. Doing it as a lesser-known citizen can be disastrous. One woman who argued against gender ideology was fired by her modeling agency. A female grad student was investigated by her university for claiming that women cannot be men. Multiple Canadian beauticians were threatened with ruinous lawsuits for refusing to wax the genitals of a man who believed he was a woman. A female journalist was banned from Twitter for saying “men aren’t women.” A British researcher was fired for saying the same thing.

It’s dangerous territory. That’s why we should be so impressed with the three Connecticut girls suing numerous public officials over a policy that allows young men who identify as women to compete in female sports leagues. Two of those young boys in particular have been utterly dominating state female track and field competitions in recent years—unsurprisingly, since their male bodies give them distinct and critical advantages over their female competitors.


16 Comments on 3 cheers for the brave high school girls taking on the transgender lobby

  1. That’s why we should be so impressed with the three Connecticut girls suing numerous public officials over a policy that allows young men who identify as women to compete in female sports leagues.

    Not quite as impressed as we should be with Joe Biden’s sons business acumen. But almost. Huzzah!

  2. There are only two genders but there are many mental illnesses.

    I have an idea, let’s have trans-gender athletes compete with each other. Funny, you don’t see too many trans-gender girls competing with the boys. Wonder why that is?

  3. This idea ie is painful, and unfair, but real, actual women an girls should stand up and walk away. In effect the transgender it has no one to compete with, any “win” left meaningless.

  4. @Katdog February 12, 2020 at 8:52 pm

    > actual women an girls should stand up and walk away

    From participation tiaras!?

    Maybe after the first all woman Presidential team “wins” the White House!

  5. Good for them!

    The fight MUST come from women in this case because they have the most to loose and they can fight without being called misogynists.

    Men would be labeled as everything under the sun.

    It is much harder for transgenders to argue with women whose groups they are trying to gain acceptance from.

  6. I don’t know why girls and/or the entire team forfeit the match or game if there is a transgender competing?

    So what? You lose the match, race, or game, but it’s rigged anyway, and you take a stand, “Yeah, you can win your match by default, but it was a joyless win, and we embarrassed and shamed you in the process.”

    Walk away a loser, but with your dignity.

  7. If guys are playing in women’s sports, you don’t have women’s sports anymore. This is bad enough for women athletes but it must suck for athletes who are lesbian since they’ve been dominating women’s sports forever. Lesbians the world over have every right to be pissed off at the left and at the cup-wearing trannies who are kicking their ass.

  8. @ Katdog
    The biggest problem is a lot of these female athletes have spent years of their lives and thousands of dollars on training and equipment, most in the hopes it will lead to scholarships in college that these BOY are now swooping in and stealing from them because they know they aren’t good enough to compete against the other boys.
    At this point in their high school careers, the girls have invested too much time and money to simply walk away.

  9. @Peter the Bubblehead February 13, 2020 at 7:17 am

    > The biggest problem is a lot of these female athletes have spent years of their lives and thousands of dollars
    > …
    > the girls have invested too much time and money to simply walk away

    (sniff) But, Rightful President of The Universe, Hillary! I sent the Nigerian Prince so much money! And he said he loves me! Make the world make me a princess! Just like Meghan Markle! I deserve it! I worked so hard!

  10. >>If you have/had a dick, you’re not a chick. End of story. And I won’t argue with you. I’ll tell you you’re stupid and we’re done<<

    To take that to an even more precise level, if you have a Y chromosome, you're not a chick, even if you chop your goodies off.

    Though admittedly that doesn't rhyme as well.

  11. Simple solution is right in front of their Faces Create a separate category for trans athletes. Simple everybody is happy the Girls get to compete ONLY against other girls and trans have to compete against other trans. Game over

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