Buttigieg: If we want to grow America, we need to flood rural towns with immigrants – IOTW Report

Buttigieg: If we want to grow America, we need to flood rural towns with immigrants


NEW HAMPSHIRE- When Pete Buttigieg isn’t spouting ideals of decriminalizing drug possession charges on the campaign trail, he’s effectively plagiarizing immigration stances and rebranding them as his own.

During a townhall in Merrimack, New Hampshire, Buttigieg suggested that small-town America should welcome increased waves of legal immigrants to drive up… population growth.

Apparently, the idea is that there’s potential economic benefits to inundating rural communities with more people – which is possible. Yet, like a coin toss, there’s also the possibility of economic downfalls when a traditionally smaller city has a sudden population boom.

During the townhall, Buttigieg stated:

“I’m proposing what we call “Community Renewal Visas” that when a community that is very much in need of growing its population, recognizes that, and makes a choice to welcome more than its share of new Americans that we create a fast-track, if they apply for an allotment of visas, that goes to those who are willing to be in those areas that maybe are hurting for population but have great potential.”


33 Comments on Buttigieg: If we want to grow America, we need to flood rural towns with immigrants

  1. This guy is such a pathetic nothing. He’s about as deep as obama, as weird as obama, as full of bad ideas as alexandra cortez. He’s about as capable of an executive as obama.

    So, let’s make Butthead president! Of Venezuela.

  2. Unfortunately a huge number of republicans have the same idea. Thats it well promote prosperity by importing poverty. They all have been at it for decades. Need full time out on all immigration. Way too much way too long incl legal illegal and 2x secret immigration.

  3. Is it me, or are the liberals really batshit crazy this election cycle? When I see one of these’public servants’ practice what they preach, I might listen. (But probably won’t.)

  4. For starters, Piss off you Poncy Poof.
    Second, you do not get to decide who lives where. This is America. In case you didn’t notice.
    Third I’m on to that standard Communist socio-engineering crap where you drive down the standard of living for everybody so you can hand out trinkets.
    Fourth. You’re a dickweed.

  5. As mentioned in an earlier comment, Republicans are all about refugees in rural areas as well. The use of cheap refugee, alongside illegal alien, labor in remotely sited food processing plants goes back at least to the 70’s. Republicans want cheap labor. Democrats want welfare cases and future voters. I would have to say that the Democrats are the better strategic thinkers of the two.

    Canada’s liberal refugee laws assigned newly arrived refugees to rural towns and cities, mostly West of Ontario. The stated reason was to reduce the economic and cultural impact of the incoming wave of refugees — a laudable goal. The long-term result of a multi-decade tsunami was the significant dilution of conservative votes in those provinces. Thus, Trudeau Senior set the stage for his prancing son, leaving older Western Canadians wondering if they should have followed through with their threats of secession back in the ’70’s.

    A flood of refugee welfare cases into already poverty-stricken rural communities will destroy rural America — but that has been the plan for some time.

    To talk of free higher education at the same time they hype increasing H-1b and other visa’d worker programs targeting professional, technical and administrative jobs is sheer idiocy, except when you consider the domestication and enslavement of our youth as the long-term goal.

  6. I know a lot of gay conservatives. I know a lot of gay progressives. I know a lot of heterosexual progressive.

    The progressives are ignoramuses, to a one. Amazingly uninformed, and incredibly willfully ignorant. All are narcissists.

  7. Fool.

    Isaiah 32:6 For fools speak folly, their hearts are bent on evil:
    They practice ungodliness and spread error concerning the Lord;
    the hungry they leave empty and from the thirsty they withhold water.

  8. Rural towns only allow enough Spanish speaking people to keep the local Mexican Restaurant open and even then they best stay hidden in the kitchen.

    Just kidding, sort of, but truly that’s about only the time we see those who don’t speak English and when we do hear one not many are too shy to tell them to speak English and that goes for those who are white speaking gibberish also.

  9. Rural towns don’t need massive immigration. Many of them are already emptying out and dying due to corporate massive-scale farming, vanishing manufacturing, retail crippled by Amazon and franchising destroying small-town charm.

  10. Kcir (embarrased to be from Toronto):

    Yes, the rural placement was only enforced for the first couple of years after arrival, then the refugees could relocate to wherever they wanted. Iirc, the hope was that enough would stay where they were originally placed, or at least the nearest large city like Winnipeg, Edmonton or Calgary, that the refugee pressure on Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver would be lessened.

    I knew two families who accepted Canada’s hospitality, after receiving deportation orders here in the US. One went somewhere in Alberta and the other found its way to Vancouver. While visiting the family in Vancouver, I asked at a convenience store what it was like to live there. They responded that you either had to be very rich or very poor to be comfortable. I imagine things have gotten worse in the 20 years since I asked that question.

    I quite like Vancouver. I was accepted to attend UBC, way back when, but, as I was preparing to go, they tripled non-resident tuition to help pay for the Expo, so I took another path.

  11. ACParker@

    That is actually quite true everywhere up here, “Quite rich or quite poor.”

    I truly love the honest hard working people up here of any cultural background.

    The problem is that our government is a demotivational force.

    The red tape makes it very hard to move upwards from working class to more comfortable working class and the handouts to the useless de-motivate them from improvement. It is obviously the same to a fair degree in the USA but your country does not remotely approach the FREE SHIT mentality of most Canadians.

    1 real conservative party that is center right
    1 liberal
    1 new democrat party
    1 green party
    1 separatist party in Quebec (still very left)
    (these 4 cock smokers all are different versions of soy milk and gluten free bread)

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