‘Who knows’: Joe Manchin doesn’t rule out voting for Trump over 2020 Democrat – IOTW Report

‘Who knows’: Joe Manchin doesn’t rule out voting for Trump over 2020 Democrat

How many faces does this guy have?

WE: Sen. Joe Manchin left open the possibility of voting for President Trump if surging 2020 Democratic candidates don’t shift their rhetoric to the political center.

Manchin is seen as one of the most centrist Democrats in Congress and represents a state that backed Trump by more than 10 points in 2016. He has voted with the president on legislation 53% of the time, according to FiveThirtyEight.

“Well, you know, we’d have to see where we are at that time. Sanders, I can tell you one thing, he’s got a good heart, and he wants to do the right thing,” the West Virginia Democrat told CNN on Monday when asked if he would “support Sanders over Trump if it came down to that.”

“His solution for fixing it might not be palatable, might not be something doable. I’ll have to see,” he continued. “Who knows? Bernie might change and moderate just a little bit from now to then.” more here

17 Comments on ‘Who knows’: Joe Manchin doesn’t rule out voting for Trump over 2020 Democrat

  1. ” … if surging 2020 Democratic candidates don’t shift their rhetoric to the political center.”

    Shifting the rhetoric doesn’t shift their positions and intentions, it just keeps them hidden to deceive the voters about what they are planning to do.

  2. Joe knows WVa.
    And WVa’s a funny place.
    Byrd was a Grand Cleagel of the KKK.
    Rockefeller was some carpet-bagging socialist from NY.
    Beautiful country with friendly people.
    They sue their doctors out of business and then complain that they got no doctors.
    Truly an enigma.

    But Joe seems to have figured it all out.
    Hasn’t worked in ~35 years but has a fat bank account (some $8Million).

    His actions only seem odd in a normal world – in the living contradiction that is WVa, he’s perfectly rational (I think).

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. If I were the Prez, I’d string the son of a bitch along and at the right moment pull the rug out from under him and endorse his opponent.
    Munchkin on the 2A is a Mini-Mike clone.


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