Bernie’s too radical for even Barack Obama – IOTW Report

Bernie’s too radical for even Barack Obama

WE: Please, let it be Bernie Sanders!
The same political class that got 2016 so horribly wrong is now warning us not to underestimate Bernie Sanders.

His opposition to NAFTA and free trade, they tell us, will siphon off the crucial voters in the Midwest who went for President Trump in 2016. Trump should be trembling in fear that that Sanders will be able to channel the discontent that once sent voters, especially white-working class voters, running Trump’s way.

There is no reason to believe this nonsense. Republicans should be thrilled the Democrats might be dumb enough to nominate a man whose views are more outside the political mainstream than any major political candidate since George McGovern. more

12 Comments on Bernie’s too radical for even Barack Obama

  1. I can’t imagine how that’s possible. You turned this country upside down and seeded discontent in every aspect of society, all the while soiling the entire White House with a giant transvestite who was sexing you up in the caboose.

  2. I don’t think he’s too radical for any Democrat, he’s just to up front open about it and is giving their true intentions away when they depend on keeping them secret to get elected.

  3. @JD I saw that and Rep. Pramila Jayapal will introduce him. Good grief. Only here in wacky Washington could Bernie have anything close to something resembling a Trump rally in size and enthusiasm. The local news will swooon! 🤮

    (Maybe BlackLivesMatter will steal his microphone again. We can only hope.)


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