Virginia Passes Bill to Give Electoral Votes to Popular Vote Winner – IOTW Report

Virginia Passes Bill to Give Electoral Votes to Popular Vote Winner

Breitbart: The Virginia House of Delegates has passed legislation seeking to award its electoral votes to whomever the wins the popular vote.

House Bill 177 passed with a 51-46 vote in the Democrat-majority House after being handed off by the Privileges and Elections Committee last week. Should the Senate also approve, Virginia will officially become part of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.

“Under the compact, Virginia agrees to award its electoral votes to the presidential ticket that receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia,” a bill summary states. Further:

The compact goes into effect when states cumulatively possessing a majority of the electoral votes have joined the compact. A state may withdraw from the compact; however, a withdrawal occurring within six months of the end of a President’s term shall not become effective until a President or Vice President has qualified to serve the next term.

So far, 15 states, along with Washington D.C., have joined. The idea gained momentum as an answer to President Donald Trump’s electoral college victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016, despite her approximately three million popular vote lead.

Breitbart News Senior-Editor-at-Large Joel Pollak explained why many critics feel the popular vote could disenfranchise voters outside of major population centers, especially in a close election: read more

24 Comments on Virginia Passes Bill to Give Electoral Votes to Popular Vote Winner

  1. If every last republican would vote we would defeat this effort. The problem is, the popular vote isn’t officially counted so I don’t know what legal basis there is for this. Most likely, the governor will just proclaim the democrats won no matter what really happens.

  2. Unconstitutional. All for show. It’s unconstitutional. But, look who supports this travesty. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison would not approve and neither should the citizens of Virginia.

  3. “…an agreement between states to pool their electoral votes and voting results together into one aggregate pot. The candidate with the majority receives all electoral votes. States who have formally joined the compact represent 184 electoral votes. The compact becomes official when that number hits 270, or enough votes to elect President of the United States.”

    Add Virginia’s electoral votes to 184 + 13 = 197.

  4. This will come around to bite the Virginia LibTard DildoCrats in the ass when the popular vote goes to President DJ Trump. And THEN watch the hollering, screaming, weeping, and wailing. (I can’t wait!)
    Be careful what you vote for and enact.
    The Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences is always in play, and can NEVER be revoked!

  5. Those same Founding Fathers who understood the need to impeach Trump were wrong about the Electoral College?

    How can this be so. Any citizen of those states participating has standing to not have their franchise diminished without an amendment to their state constitutions.

  6. @mithrandir February 13, 2020 at 12:22 pm

    > It disenfranchises the votes of Virginia

    Awww…! You think the “citizens” of Virginia can vote their way out of this!

    Come ‘ere, you! Lemme’ tousle that hair! For luck! (No Biden.)

  7. This is why POTUS should be actively courting voters in California. Left coast time zone voters often don’t vote bc they think it does not really count since the state goes blue anyway. More important than ever to GOTV.

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