The Wheels Are Coming Off the Democrat Party – IOTW Report

The Wheels Are Coming Off the Democrat Party

19 Comments on The Wheels Are Coming Off the Democrat Party

  1. @ Anonymous FEBRUARY 13, 2020 AT 11:05 AM

    Good video. Loose wheels on the highway are not funny though. I have a friend who lost his grandparents to a tire and wheel through their windshield.

    When I was about 17 working at the main Ft Lewis service station I went to lunch with our resident know it all, up the freeway about four miles. On the way back to work we were on I-5 and saw a wheel and tire pass us by. Know it all said: Look at that some dumbass didn’t tighten his lug nuts. We exited the freeway about a quarter mile later and as soon as he touched the brakes his truck nosedived into the asphalt.

  2. “We’re down there. It’s hot. We were sweating. Bugs everywhere. We’re down there pushing, pushing, pushing on the car. Every once in a while we’d look up and see the Republicans standing there. They’re just standing there fanning themselves — sipping on a Slurpee.”

    Not sipping, Barky. We are using plastic straws. You should have tightened down all your lugnuts.

  3. And for good measure, in case no one saw Ashley Judd’s recent facelift that Twitter is banning people from making fun of…geez.

    Looks like Catwoman. This nasty woman needs a litterbox. She messed up. Terribly.

    But for Democrats as a whole, they were in favor of giving felons the right to vote and now we see the inmates running their asylum.

  4. Cliche Guevara – Speaking of running the asylum, welcome to Obamaville where the Truth doesn´t matter and the dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Rainbow Plantation, COEXIST bumper-sticker ignoranus’ walk around spouting gibberish while the Politically Correct, perpetually offended, binky sucking, LBGTQRSTUVXYZ Mentally Ill fools with 57 genders are running their cute little, color-cordinated democRAT asylum all funded by the hard-working, over taxed-payers! Guess whut, Stalin, Hitler and Mao Tse Tung all came to power by promising similar things democRATz are touting today, yet they all wound up delivering nothing but brutal tyranny! This History desparately needs to be taught to the younger generation, if not in the schools, then by us! The Left depends on their ignorance! Deprive them of that opportunity!!

  5. Girl brought the Chloroform, why didn’t she use it?

    Somebody learned a new word!

    Why should the rich be any more derided than the lazy worthless poor?
    Bloomberg, sometime in the deep, dark, ancient past, did something to amass his $Billions, didn’t he? Or was he a literal “plutocrat” who was born to the purple (green)?
    I don’t know, and I don’t care – the disingenuous fuck wants to deprive me of my right (obligation) to defend myself while retaining his armed guards – and to tell ME what size soda I CAN or CANNOT have! Fuck him!

    Try something novel, Bloomy: you do what you want with your shitty life and I’ll do what I want with mine! See how that works? It’s called “Liberty!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. The “Democrat” Party got its name from wanting territories that were admitted to the Union as states to hold referenda as to whether they would be slave or free; knowing that they could stuff (or lose) ballot boxes, bribe or intimidate voters, etc. Whigs just tried to contain slavery and maintain the balance of power between slave and free votes in the House, Senate, and Electoral College. Abolitionists founded the Republican Party to actually reduce the power of the slave states, which is why they seceded. The Confederate Battle Flag is a treasonous symbol of the Democrat Party. Jackasses

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