Woman Punches Ex-Cop At His 50th Birthday Party After She Mistook His Red Cap For A MAGA Hat – IOTW Report

Woman Punches Ex-Cop At His 50th Birthday Party After She Mistook His Red Cap For A MAGA Hat

Daily Caller-

A retired New York cop was reportedly punched in the face at his 50th birthday party for wearing a hat that a woman mistook for a “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) hat.

Daniel Sprague, a former NYPD detective, said a woman punched him in the face at a Nashville music venue over the weekend because his hat looked like a MAGA hat…

“At one point, a female came up from behind me, spun me around, and punched me in the face and then grabbed my hat off my head and was just yelling, ‘How dare you,’” Sprague told News4 WSMV. He also said the cut went deep enough to go to the bone.

NYC Council Member Joe Borelli called it an example of “Trump Derangement Syndrome”


27 Comments on Woman Punches Ex-Cop At His 50th Birthday Party After She Mistook His Red Cap For A MAGA Hat

  1. Whatever Joe Borelli calls it, it’s felony assault, battery and larceny.

    Now, on the civil side, it’s battery, negligence, conversion and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

    Lock that bitch up, and sue her into dust.

  2. In a just world she’d’a been dead before she hit the floor.

    Nashville? Pretty much a shithole. Can’t imagine stopping there – driving through is bad enough.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Well, Nashville is my shithole. A very expensive one.

    I read 10 stories on this assault and it appears that the woman was not named in any story or was arrested. They just escorted her out and let her go.

    Now that’s liberal privilege.

  4. I do not give a rat-fuck who you are because if you sucker punch me in the face, steel my hat, and put a cut on me that goes to the bone I will do everything in my power to return the favor ten fold.

    The only difference is I will be facing you while I am collecting my karma-check.

  5. From reading……

    how the bouncers took them to separate entrances/exits….

    And let them go without the police interviewing them…..

    I’d say they were covering for the female…..probably knew her.

  6. I’ve been there.

    I had a chippie bitch blindside slap me once. I was sitting next to the dance floor w/this chickie in the Shipwreck Tavern. Chippie stripper kept running into the gal I was sitting with and was repeatedly ask to keep it on the dance floor.

    Then I reached around the gal I was sitting with, put my hand on the offending butt and pushed her back out onto the dance floor. Bitch slapped me (I mean really belted me) from behind and wagged her finger in my face and told me: you never put your hand on a lady’s butt uninvited. Then she went back to dancing.

    I got up and went over to the waitress and picked up a pitcher of beer off her tray and walked up behind the bitch and poured it over her head. So the guy dancing with her decides he is going to be her knight in shining armor and squares off like he is some kind of counterfeit Bruce Lee.

    WTF, I am standing there w/one of those heavy glass pitchers in my hand. Bonked him on the noggin and he went down like a sack of wet crap. At that point it became a donnybrook with me, half the band and two or three guys who were friends of the guys in the band against five or eight long shore guys and since I still had had my noggin bonker it really wasn’t a fair fight.

    The next thing I know, Henry the bouncer has me under his arm and is marching me out the front door. I’ll be a son of a bitch if right when we get out the front door my girlfriend doesn’t show up (she just got off work) and start going off on me about fighting in bars and saying how embarrassed I should be to be all covered in blood.

    I told her I would be if it were my blood. It might bother me, but since it isn’t the only thing I have any concern about is that some a-hole got blood all over my brand new Hofbräuhaus t-shirt me mother sent from München.

    That Shipwreck was a pretty rough place back in the 1970s-80s

  7. Too bad the ex-cop didn’t have some active duty friends available to arrest the bitch, and take her to the po-po station.
    Oh, and if she kept “attempting to escape”, and fell down a time……or two…..or three……or four…. well, that’s too bad that she’s so clumsy.

  8. There is no way that there is not video. That whole area is under surveillance and the bar probably had at least 3 camera shots on her and a credit card transaction of her or her party.

  9. @ Bubba: Being a cop or other LEO is risky work. Many if not most jurisdictions set retirement at 20 years of service.

    I almost always carry a heavy oak cane I made, with a widened crook and sharpened crook end in public parks and places like that – especially when I’m wearing my MAGA hat. So far haven’t had to use it.

  10. If some bitch hit me in the face and screamed at me I would lunge at her so fucking fast- she’d be on the ground with me squashing her before she knew what happened. 👊

    I don’t give a shit about her reasons, you hit me hard enough to draw blood and steal my property? I’m gonna kick your ass.


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