Bidenism – IOTW Report


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28 Comments on Bidenism

  1. “Joe and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pale of water….C’mon man, we had a picnic. I laid the blanket down on a red ant hill and Jill’s labia swole up like Corn Pops upper lip area when I finally laid down the law. Occasionally I dance madly backwards just to see if I’m coming or going and then the railroad tracks sneak in….I look like a bumper car on Coney Island….Jill seems to like it”…

    FEBRUARY 14, 2020 AT 11:44 PM
    “we need to grab the bull by the tail & face the situation”

    …true story about tail-grabbing…

    …down on the Cherokee side of the Smoky Mountains National Park, at the Oconaluftee Visitor Center, where they have the model pioneer village, one time they had two VERY LARGE hogs in the hog pen.

    The wife and my then young son were casting around for photo opportunities, but these fellows kept their butts to us, right up on the fence. Smart ol’ me thought it would be a fun shot if she got a picture of me holding one of the hogs’ very prominent, very curly tails. I wasn’t sure how the animals would react, though, so I set up to put my hand on the tail and smile for the camera just before the wife took the shot.

    Which requred I look AWAY from the hogs.

    Well, we set up, did a couple of dry runs on these surprisingly still animals, and it was time for my close up. With my son watching and my wife ready on Camera 1, T turned towards her with a big goofy grin and lowered my hand to grasp the animal’s tail…

    Just in time for it to suddenly shift, back…and UP.

    …somewhere, she won’t say precisely where, there exists an image of me smiling, with my fingers inseted in a hog’s butthole. Seems she captured it at just the split-second moment AFTER the mistake was made and BEFORE I realized I had missed the tail pretty severely.

    But I needn’t have worriied about the hog. HE was surprisingly unbothered by such intimate contact.

    SNS wasn’t thrilled, though. You know what? There’s NO running water at the Pioneer Village, you have to go hundreds of yards to the Visitor’s Center for THAT, at least it SEEMS to be hundreds of yards when you have fresh hog butthole juice on your fingertips as a souvenier that you REALLY don’t want to take home…

    …anyway, from that point forward, the only tail I’LL grab, is my wife’s.

    I didn’t care for the hog.

    I REALLY don’t want to try Joe’s bull.

    …and I’m pretty sure that the BULL would be less peacable about it than the HOG, but I will NOT be the one to put that theory to the test…

  3. Bad_Brad
    FEBRUARY 14, 2020 AT 11:44 PM
    “Speak Big and carry a soft stick.”

    I like it!

    How about also, “Speak Loudly and veep for a Big Dick”?

    …seems like him…

  4. “There are two types of leaders in the world: there’s the one who can keep his mind set on task, and there’s a quarter under that guy’s wheelchair — go get it, Jill!”

  5. “So I told the little Brownie with the nice-smelling hair that I was taking a box of Samoas, because there’s nothing more American than a Samoa — look it up, folks. But anyway, she said I had to pay for it first. So I said, ‘Kid, you don’t wanna fight me on this. I eat little turds like you for breakfast!’”


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