EU In Disarray Over Who Makes Up Lost UK Contribution – IOTW Report

EU In Disarray Over Who Makes Up Lost UK Contribution


No EU nation wants to pay more to make up for the 75 billion euro ($81.5 billion) gap the British have left in the next EU budget, but a great many poorer EU members want to receive at least as much from the bloc as they did in the past. And new projects, like the vaunted Green Deal project for the EU to become climate neutral by 2050, need to be funded.

To reconcile the irreconcilable, EU Council President Charles Michel has asked EU leaders to see what their budget demands are and how he can temper them ahead of a special summit next week.

The fight comes down to whether the EU’s budget will be 1 per cent, 1.1 per cent or 1.3 per cent of the bloc’s GDP. That fight over a fraction of a percentage point — as much as lofty goals about the EU’s place in the world — will dominate the EU for the next few months much like Brexit dominated the bloc’s agenda for the last four years. More

12 Comments on EU In Disarray Over Who Makes Up Lost UK Contribution

  1. What’s the total EU budget, so we can calculate what percentage that represents the UK’s €75,000,000,000? Cut all budget items by that percentage across the board. I imagine, though, that a lot of that will be eaten (!) up by increased dental repair work necessitated by the increased gnashing of teeth.

  2. Maybe they can save money by not shipping up to Strasbourg from Brussels and back.

    Every 4 weeks for 4 days all the representatives (751 Members of European Parliament), their staff, and equipment get on a train and go back and forth for some bullshit reason.

    “Strasbourg shift” as it is called.

    The cost of this literal Gravy train ride is 114 Million Euros.

    No wonder many countries want out.

  3. that 75 billion was for the “European green new deal to become carbon neutral by 2025”. How are they going to do that now without that $75 billion!

    This is an outrage!

  4. Don’t make sense.
    That should be 75 Billion LESS the EU must shell out now that the UK is gone.
    Or are they implying that the UK was paying more than its “fair share?”

    izlamo delenda est …


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