Staten Island Councilman Joe Borelli demands public vote on bail reform – IOTW Report

Staten Island Councilman Joe Borelli demands public vote on bail reform

Newzander: City Councilman Joe Borelli is urging Albany lawmakers to put their controversial bail-reform law to a public referendum.

“I am requesting that the New York State Assembly and Senate … place a referendum on the ballot that would ask voters’ opinions as to whether ‘bail reform’ should be repealed, changed or allowed to continue,” wrote the Staten Island Republican in a letter to the leaders of both houses, including the Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins.

He warned the issue would only continue to fester if “there is inaction on your parts.” more here

8 Comments on Staten Island Councilman Joe Borelli demands public vote on bail reform

  1. In NY the politicians have stolen the power from the people. Everyone in power now should be replaced in the next statewide vote. And they should be held personally responsible for the carnage their votes produced.

  2. I’m not sure what every ones so pissed off about. Law abiding citizens are not allowed to own a gun, and they don’t charge or incarcerate criminals. What could go wrong? I can tell you who law abiding citizens should be shooting. But, I don’t want to be red fagged.

  3. Our elected officials have become empowered and no longer represent the people they represent. Vote them all out and get a fresh start. First on the list should be Cuomo.

  4. not going to be revered

    the central bankers need the armed conflict between the citizens and the criminals in order to justify the coming arms confiscation

    they need to confiscate your arms before herding you into the concentration camps


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