First Hand Account Of A Bernie Rally – IOTW Report

First Hand Account Of A Bernie Rally

Lately, it has become fashionable on the left to attend a Trump rally and write back to their curious brethren about the experience (see here, here and here).

So, turnabout being fair play, what happens when a staunch republican attends a Bernie rally. Well, for someone who’s calling for the destruction of this country, it was more hustle than hassle. Here


9 Comments on First Hand Account Of A Bernie Rally

  1. Get out of Denver better go go
    Get out of Denver better go
    Get out of Denver better go go
    Get out of Denver cause you look just like a commie
    And you might just be a member baby
    Get out of Denver baby
    Get out of Denver

  2. Interesting article on a Swedish Democrat Socialist attending the Iowa caucuses.

    Johan Hassel, the international secretary for Sweden’s ruling Social Democrats, visited Iowa before the caucuses, and he wasn’t impressed with America’s standard bearer for democratic socialism, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). “We were at a Sanders event, and it was like being at a Left Party meeting,” he told Sweden’s Svenska Dagbladet newspaper, according to one translation. “It was a mixture of very young people and old Marxists, who think they were right all along. There were no ordinary people there, simply.”


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