Ilhan Omar Dismisses Marriage Fraud Allegations at “Anti-Muslim Smears” – IOTW Report

Ilhan Omar Dismisses Marriage Fraud Allegations at “Anti-Muslim Smears” Amidst various campaign finance related controversies, Ilhan Omar has also been plagued by allegations that she committed marriage fraud with her 2009 marriage to Ahmed Nur Said Elmi. Omar was engaged to Ahmed Hirsi in 2002, but had a Muslim ceremony instead of a legal marriage. They had two children together before splitting in 2008. The next year Omar legally married Elmi, who was described as a “British citizen” on their marriage license.

These allegations date back to 2016, two years before she was in the public eye running for Congress.

The FBI announced that they were investigating the allegations in January, and if true, Omar could be found guilty of a felony offense punishable with a prison sentence of up to five years and a fine of up to $250,000. It would also cost her political career. MORE

18 Comments on Ilhan Omar Dismisses Marriage Fraud Allegations at “Anti-Muslim Smears”

  1. This twatwaffle wouldn’t have been elected if Obama hadn’t imported all those Somali ‘refugees’. If ICE is sending back folks from south of the border they need to send back these people, too

  2. ” … if true, Omar could be found guilty of a felony offense punishable with a prison sentence of up to five years and a fine of up to $250,000 …”

    Key word there is “could”.

    It certainly doesn’t mean she would or will be held to the law the way a non Muslim would be.

  3. The fresh scent of unwashed goat ass is such a pleasantry to wake up next to in the luscious and provocative dirt floor household she can now comfortably afford due to her scamming every, single federal program she has ever been in contact with since coming to “merica, thank you barky ohdumbass, may your new home on the beach be a haven for every pestilence the world can bring you and you lovely husband big mike.


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