WaPo Thinks Russians Are Helping Bernie Sanders – IOTW Report

WaPo Thinks Russians Are Helping Bernie Sanders

CTH: Washington Post (CIA) Starts: “Bernie is a Russian Asset” Narrative.

The CIA leaks narrative spin to the Washington Post. The FBI leaks their narrative spin to the New York Times; and the State Dept. primarily uses CNN for the same purposes. This media distribution model is the one constant in an ever changing universe.

Today’s Club narrative was too predictable.  Everyone who does not support the DC intel apparatchik immediately becomes a Russian asset. Now, “according to people familiar with the matter”, the Russians are trying to help Bernie Sanders. more

13 Comments on WaPo Thinks Russians Are Helping Bernie Sanders

  1. Why hasn’t this been kept from Comrade BS and sprung later to impeach his Senatorship?
    Surely a traitorous Senator is dangerous to the commonweal?

    He MUST resign – or be removed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Now I’m really friggin worried, I mean look at how they got Trump elected. I was just telling my girlfriend the other night how the Russians busted into my house back in 2016, put a gun to my head and said, “Vote for Trump or else”. And damn I did.

  3. Must be they want to knock Bernie out of the race with Russian BS headlines. Seems anyone getting too close to winning the nomination will have to be shot down before their mystery backroom pick is endangered. Are they really going to try and take us down that road again??


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