See What the Nasty Bigoted Trump Supporters Do to a Trump Supporting Drag Queen – IOTW Report

See What the Nasty Bigoted Trump Supporters Do to a Trump Supporting Drag Queen

19 Comments on See What the Nasty Bigoted Trump Supporters Do to a Trump Supporting Drag Queen

  1. I’m all for the big tent……but that doesn’t make it any easier to understand some people. It must be a hell of a burden for them. I have a brother that’s gay, he’s an absolute lib. I give this guy credit for being a MAGA Trumpster.

  2. I’m with joe6pak, I’m all for anyone showing up and voting for Trump.

    With that said I’m not going to be friends with or hang around drag queens, transgenders, queers or any of those zillion gender folks. They all have some serious mental issues regardless of their politics and they’re all an abomination to God.

  3. @ Old Racist White Woman February 22, 2020 at 1:35 am

    The two I know/knew, one passed away last month, never identified as transgender. They identified as human beings. We had common interests one allowed me access to hunt their property (I took a nice three point blacktail there this year) the other is an avid shooter and firearms enthusiast who puts in innumerable volunteer hours at the gun club. Both recognized that “they were/are not normal.” We aren’t/weren’t the closest of friends, but they were/are friends.

    They are fine people who don’t bother anyone or push anything on anyone.

    Both are appalled at the current exploitation of their mental condition by the Democrat Party and think it the rankest of rank opportunism.

  4. Oh, and not only would neither push their condition on anyone, neither would wish it on anyone.

    My daughter says: Dad, you make friends easily. I guess maybe I do. I have zero tolerance for weirder than thou types, or look at me types, but can’t find much to fault with people who are struggling to just get by but are more or less harmless to others.

  5. United we stand, divided we fall. People are people are people. Freedom to exist, freedom to think, freedom to seek your own happiness without hurting someone else? United in freedom is a great place to be!

  6. Imagine that, the closest threat he encountered was the Muslim Uber driver possibly detouring to the top of a 7 story parking garage…..and even he, unlike the “tolerant” purple haired dyke, showed restraint.

  7. Just returned from a fabulous vacation in AZ/NM – great people, great weather, great geography! Came back to “Venezuela North” where the Indians and leftist protestors have shut down all rail transportation in Canada for the last 2 weeks.

  8. OK, this guy took a BIG risk doing that, it was very brave of him.
    I am glad he found tolerance, and I am proud of Trump supporters.
    Accepting him for who he is, but not buying into his lifestyle, but welcoming him as another Trumpican.
    That is America.
    That is Mr. Trump’s legacy
    He is showing is how great we are


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