Sanders IS the democrat party, unhidden – IOTW Report

Sanders IS the democrat party, unhidden

The democrats have been wandering off the radical left-wing cliff for quite awhile. Sanders is the culmination of this trek.

12 Comments on Sanders IS the democrat party, unhidden

  1. The democrats have no set direction, no plan. They are the party of anything goes, and rake in the money anyway necessary to gain power from any election step along the way. Confusion and back room operations reign.

  2. “Let’s duke it out. Let’s have that fight.”

    – between the Orange Man and the crazy, old Communist geezer.

    Aw, poor Bernie! Maybe Mini Mike could be his Veep candy. Yeah, that’ll raise his chances. The stinky old man and his midget. 🙂

  3. Lee Harvey Oswald created this political party in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963, at 12:23 CST, when he made Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson the 36th President of the United States of America. It’s taken decades, but the Democrat-Socialist-Reparations-Homosexualists-Latino-Freestuffers Party was born on the day that Johnson became President. His catastrophic pursuit of the war in Vietnam and the great Welfare Society created this catastrophe. Unbound by anything except staying in power, this political party is headed for a reckoning with the voters that will determine if this country is going to become a Third World Catastrophe.

  4. Yes they keep trying it. What must be recognized and appreciated is that they have shifted the Overton window over to where what was once mainstream is now off limits to people who are followers of the zeitgeist. That shift opened up what was once unthinkable to public tolerance and then they sue to make it formal policy that you cannot disagree with but tolerate. You must accept and embrace it. Then they move a little further left and work on their next target.

    They keep thinking that their goals are now within the window, and opposition is outside the window, but when put to a secret ballot they get trounced.

    What they have actually accomplished is to expand the lunatic fringe element w/o gaining much if anything from those in the middle who haven’t any Intellectually consistent or well thought out world view. People self censor to a degree in public debate and in polls based on what is within the Overton window and the left just does not appreciate what that actually means when their ideas are put to a vote

  5. @ Marco FEBRUARY 22, 2020 AT 9:09 AM

    The Democrat Party has always been wedded to the axiom The Ends Justifies the Means. It is and always has been their defining philosophy. They would gladly send their white robes and hoods off to be laundered and pressed if they thought there was value to be had in having another Klan Bake nominating convention.

    They are what they have been when it comes to might makes right. Only one Party has ever in America elevated unabashed racists and segregationists to national positions of power and that is a stone cold natural fact Jack. Own it Dems.

    When the bastards rejected God at their national convention, they rejected Christianity and in doing so flat out rejected the judaeo christian morality this nation was founded on.

  6. “The democrats have no set direction, no plan.”

    I beg to differ.
    Evil IS a plan. Destruction IS a plan. Forcing everyone onto the gov’t plantation IS a plan.
    Obola wasn’t incompetent – his desire was to torpedo the economy and put millions of willing and unwilling slaves onto the gov’t dole – to make them dependent – and to make them dependent on the gov’t for their health. Not just their sustenance, but their very lives. The corruption (stealing $Billions from the “programs”) was just an extra-added attraction and motivation for the fellow travelers.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. “Once we have overwhelming power, and unquestionable authority, we’ll figure out what to do with them.” Seems to be the unuttered truth.
    At least, Bernie’s the most honest one of the bunch

  8. Look behind him and that other imbecile, who looks like Tliab, an Arab who would likely stick a knife in his guts if she could get away with it.

    I see empty store shelves, like what they had in Soviet Russia. It’s a harbinger of what to expect if socialists win the election.

    Perfect photo.

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