Harvey Weinstein Jury Deadlocks On Predatory Sexual Assault Charge – IOTW Report

Harvey Weinstein Jury Deadlocks On Predatory Sexual Assault Charge


The jury in the Harvey Weinstein trial has been sent home for the weekend and will return on Monday to keep deliberating after informing the judge Friday afternoon that they are having trouble reaching verdicts on the most serious charges.

After lunch on Friday, the jurors sent a note to the judge asking what to do if they could not reach a verdict on either of two counts of predatory sexual assault, but were unanimous on the other charges.

Justice James Burke conferred for several minutes with the attorneys before instructing the jury to continue to deliberate. More

8 Comments on Harvey Weinstein Jury Deadlocks On Predatory Sexual Assault Charge

  1. Personally, I’m suspecting those crying “rape” were actually willing victims who wanted the rewards involved in return for it.

    I see nothing presented that any of them were not free to walk away instead which, IMO, makes it their own choice (but I haven’t followed it closely, so maybe I’m wrong)

  2. Trading a shot of ass for a part is as old as acting.
    Harvey’s as ugly as a mud fence and some of the girls didn’t become quite the stars that they thought they deserved.
    Fact is, letting Harvey pork your ass doesn’t make you a better actress (some might disagree). Maybe they did play the “Oh, Harvey! You’re such a BIG boy … and SO handsome!” that they thought they were Oscar material.
    Can’t say – but it’s kinda sad (sad as in “tragic” not “sad,” sad, like anyone’s gonna get all weepy and shit) that Harvey’s got to pay for their guilty consciences.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @Tim February 22, 2020 at 12:39 pm

    > it’s kinda sad (sad as in “tragic” not “sad,” sad, like anyone’s gonna get all weepy and shit) that Harvey’s got to pay for their guilty consciences

    You consider… for a fleeting moment… they’ve got consciences?

    And you say they’re not Oscar grade ak-tors!?

    (and… scene)

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