Majority In The Arts Fear Shunning For Having The Wrong Opinion – IOTW Report

Majority In The Arts Fear Shunning For Having The Wrong Opinion


More than eight in ten people working in culture and the arts feel those with “controversial opinions” risk professional ostracism.

The Freedom of Expression survey commissioned by ArtsProfessional magazine found in its research of 500 professionals that more than 80 per cent thought that “workers in the arts and cultural sector who share controversial opinions risk being professionally ostracised”. More

10 Comments on Majority In The Arts Fear Shunning For Having The Wrong Opinion

  1. Damn right they should fear ostracism. I do ostracize them. Most of them are useless idiots with no sense of reality. Maybe now that includes Clint Eastwood.

    There are too many artists of all types trying to sell their art to too few people. They could have gone to trade school and learned something useful instead of dreaming their lives away.

  2. Renegade urban graffiti artist Banksy is clearly a “guffhead” of massive proportions, yet he’s often feted as a genius,,,
    I think they meant fetus, I give him Thumbs Up for being a non-caught POS vandal.
    That’s art now a days for ya,,,

  3. To Aaron B.
    A “Real Artist” in our here and now America takes little risk other than the dislike of peers.
    Did you ever meet any artists who escaped the USSR?
    When they finally realized that they could display their work here and did, they were oppressed people who still expected a KGB beatdown but were exhilirated by their FREEDOM at the same time. Their eyes looked like the eyes of a mistreated dog.
    If the Commies are allowed to win here, we will be THERE.

  4. I did meet an artist from one of the satellite states. Miserable drunk.

    Living under oppression, real or perceived, is grist for the artistic mill.

    But living under oppression doesn’t give you artistic skillz.

    Personally, I’ve tried to emulate Caravaggio. Drinkin’, gamblin’, whorin’, and fightin’ with the occasional sober period spent in front of a canvass painting drunks, gamblers, whores and pugilists.

    Worked for Caravaggio.


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