Former NYPD Chief Kerik slams Bloomberg walkback on stop and frisk – IOTW Report

Former NYPD Chief Kerik slams Bloomberg walkback on stop and frisk


Kerik says Bloomberg walkback on police stops and searches hurts black and brown neighborhoods.

Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik slammed Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg for walking back his past support of policing tactics that Kerik said lower violent crime and protect predominantly minority neighborhoods.

Kerik accused Bloomberg — who while mayor of New York City presided over a sharp increase in police stops and searches — of dialing back his support of those practices merely for political points now that Bloomberg is seeking the White House.

“That’s a political statement, it’s not reality,” Kerik said in an interview with Just The News. “He knows that ‘Stop, Question and Frisk’ was an important tool for reducing crime in New York City. He’s saying he’s changing his mind because he abused it. That’s against the law.”  more

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