Annoyed newborn baby girl stares down doctors immediately after birth – IOTW Report

Annoyed newborn baby girl stares down doctors immediately after birth

She’s gonna be mean when she grows up. lol

21 Comments on Annoyed newborn baby girl stares down doctors immediately after birth

  1. …they don’t really focus then, but she DOES look VERY annoyed.

    Can’t blame her, either, it was warm and comfy where she was, and then she gets yanked out into a world full of Democrats…

    …God Bless that little lady. May we end the evil that Democrats do, so she can grow into a Godly world of hope.

  2. “Traumatized by life at birth.”

    Can’t remember the origin, but it fits nicely.

    I suppose birth is a passage (heh, heh) from one world to another and emerging in Brazil would (probably) piss off most – certainly would me.

    izlamo delenda est …


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