Couldn’t he have the decency to wear a Mankini? – IOTW Report

Couldn’t he have the decency to wear a Mankini?

Joshua Mankini stripped naked and climbed through his group home window and chased down two teenaged girls walking to school.


ht/ sns

19 Comments on Couldn’t he have the decency to wear a Mankini?

  1. What kind of group home? For the developmentally disabled or the low risk criminal offender kind that the wishy washy left thinks is such a good idea? Something tells me it’s the latter.

  2. …but look at the TERRIBLE job ABC did WRITING this story…

    “And what’s even scarier is after the girls hopped into this nearby car, driven by a parent, for help, Mankini, according to police, went up to the vehicle and pounded on the windows.”

    …run-on sentence much? The writer should go to jail for comma abuse…

  3. This is not a good thread for anyone. As a matter of fact it sucks.

    Not good for the girl and nor for her family.

    And not good, for the ‘confused’ naked guy.

    Or, us that watched it. All loose.

    BTW, I have a group home down the block.

  4. …the “Group Home” thing is something I’ve mentioned before. I don’t know the specifics of the CA version, but group homes, or “Community Based Health Care”, work off three fictions;
    1) Anyone can do it,
    2) “Medically Controlled” insanity, and
    3) Nuts are cooperative

    When they deinstitutionalized, they knew SOME nuts couldn’t be freed, but the State couldn’t keep ’em because of that Jack Nicholson movie, so they figured they could bribe people into stuffing them into a spare bedroom. They would give them.a modicum of training, but mostly just dumped them and hoped for the best. This resulted in a booming business in ambulance transfers to psych hospitals, and surprises for the neighborhood because neighbors generally aren’t informed.

    A big lie they tell is that they are “medically controlled”. Even to the extent this works (not always as advertised), it only works if they TAKE it. These are not super-responsible people so they forget at the best of times, but many won’t swallow it when given because “they like the way they feel” when they’re crazy. Lightly trained keepers didn’t know they were being duped.

    And crazy isn’t stupid. The maniacal ones can obsess until they get out of ANY lock or defeat ANY alarm, like this one did.

    And this is USUALLY how the neighbors find out about them…

    …sometimes they just wander off too, and go live under a bridge.

    And another homeless is born…

    …this is ANOTHER result of liberal do-gooderism lies. They USED to be watched and cared for, but it was too “mean”, so they were kicked out into “the community”, and here we are today…

  5. Americans hate freedom with a passion.

    Americans want to shut down free speech because bots exist.

    Americans want to close newspapers because of fake news.

    Americans want to ban protesting because windows might be broken.

    Americans want to shut down churches, ban guns, use torture, have TSA groping, and use NSA wiretapping because the world has Muslims.

    Americans want checkpoints because of drunk drivers and unlicensed drivers.

    Americans demand forfeiture because someone might use drugs.

    Americans scream that the border must be closed and there must be a wall built to keep Americans IN because illegal immigrants exist.

    Americans want highways, airports, bus stations, and trains to be shut because of viruses.

    Every country has the government it deserves.

  6. @SNS – this is not about do gooderism. This is about trying to introduce people with higher functional chromosomal deficiencies more, than ones with low psychotic tendencies.

    Yes the idea of these Group Homes were introduced in the Progressive 70’s-80’s but what is the solution?

  7. …I got a front-row seat for this as a medic at the time, @h, so I was pretty aware of what their motives were and how much they cared about the actual patients AND the communities they loosed them on. I got involved when the police red-tagged one for beating up their minister with a guitar or trying to set their neighbor’s house on fire, and it was always a complete surprise to the neighbors because the State, County, and City all conspired to skip the normal things like public hearings and such because Democrats had whipped up so much animosity towards asylums that they had to demise them as quickly as possible, and damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead they went.

    I can’t tell you what a good plan would be, but that’s not what I was paid for.

    Problem is, the people who WERE paid to have the big ideas didn’t have one, EITHER.

    …so they effectively dumped them. As structured where I was, it didn’t have a hope in hell of working, and everyone involved KNEW that, but did it anyway because “asylums were bad”.

    Well, they weren’t as bad as the alternative.


    This is not all of it,but it was pretty much the genesis of modern homelessness. They didn’t do ANYONE any favors cutting them loose, least of all, the patients.

    Most could not – COULD. NOT. live on their own. They simply didn’t have the mental tools to do so, and no one was interested in equipping them because there was no longer a politically possible venue to do so. Even red tag admissions were often perfunctory, and they frequently got sprung while we were still doing our paperwork.

    The Bible tells us “For ye have the poor always with you;…” (Matt. 26:11), but the mentally challenged we will always have with us as well.

    For their saftey and that of the community, I would argue that asylums would still be the best way to go.

    Yes, they need better accountability and controls than they had of yore, but that could be done WITHOUT throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Americans remain a compassionate people, and if the benefit is less crazy people downtown and more getting the housing,food, and care they need in an institutional setting, I think you would be able to find a way to fund it WITHOUT a Newsome abrogating everyone’s property rights.

    …see, you made me go serious again, and I just wanted to make fun of the name “Mankini”.

    But I did feel it needed to be discussed a bit more fully.

    With a less-stupid approach to mental health care, this whole THING was avoidable…

  8. “Neighbor Steve Alarcon was left stunned watching the footage.

    “That’s your biggest fear as a parent right there, that’s your biggest fear,” he says. “That’s scary scary.””

    …shame that “Neighbor Steve Alarcon” didn’t have a GUN, but, CA…

  9. @SNS – that last H was from HP and what YOU said, fair enough. You have sensible and sane thoughts, biblically based, no less.

    And like you said, this is a serious subject!

    Imagine…we have dreams about being naked, but for this guy is was FOR real!

    Unimaginable for most All.

  10. Wasnt my fault it was the crack meth it stole my cloths and the girl was a shapeshitted gray reptilloid from beyond the moon, now let me go I got to get back to the Bernie Bros meeting

  11. …Good Lord, @Thirdtwin, Mother Jones sure LOVES them some Biden!

    …they said that statement WASN’T creepy from HIM, but WOULD have been from anyone ELSE.

    …it’s always Opposites Day in Liberaland, it seems…


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