Democrats are deranged, demoralized, and at each other’s throats – IOTW Report

Democrats are deranged, demoralized, and at each other’s throats

American Thinker:
By Thomas Lifson

The Democrats are at their lowest point since the outbreak of the Civil War. Derangement by definition means acting in self-destructive ways, and mass derangement, specifically Trump Derangement Syndrome, is the animating force behind a large share of the thoughts and actions of both leaders and followers of the world’s oldest political party. Put starkly, the crazies have grabbed control and reinforce one another, spinning farther and farther away from the mainstream of American political life. A few vignettes this week illustrate the crisis.

The circular firing squad

As of two weeks ago, there have been 389 violent attacks against Trump supporters. But a hallmark of true frenzy is when those violent impulses turn against ostensible allies who are just not pure enough. The Bernie Bros now are morphing into the Bernie Brownshirts, with a strong undercurrent of fratricidal violence that comes to the surface when Project Veritas films campaign workers threatening to burn down Milwaukee if their leader is not the candidate chosen by the party. That threat is already manifesting its early stages. read more

22 Comments on Democrats are deranged, demoralized, and at each other’s throats

  1. Don’t kid yourselves.
    After Hitler took care of Röhm, he consolidated control – same as when Lenin took St. Petersburg and the murdered the Mensheviki.

    The BS-ers are intending the same kind of coup.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Gee, how could this happen?

    Lets see: when you are hostile to western thought. When history is anathema to you. When you embrace the worst elements of society and put them up as victims, or worse model citizens. When you reject God. When you are indifferent to the wisdom of the ages. When you define anything as unfair if you are not getting your own way. When hatred for anyone who does not let you have your own way 100%of the time is the common thread that binds you together. When envy is no longer a serious sin and has been elevated to a virtue. When you have been told from the time you were born that there are no universal truths, that everyone’s “truth” is equally valid…You have reverted to a state of nature and it is every one for themselves.

    It was only a matter of time before chaos took over the Democrat Party. There is no cohesion among factions who are striving to elevate themselves on the intersectionality scale at the expense of others with the same goal in mind.

    Not to mention that when hypocrisy is no longer ignored fights start

  3. This is only to be expected, for the last 30 years their entire philosophy has been one of identity politics that makes everyone a victim group of someone else and sets them against each other in unrelenting conflict.

    Did they not realized that is what they would be creating within their own ranks as they spread it uncontrollably throughout our entire culture at their own instigation?

  4. Democrat factions do not respect Each other. Each sees the others through the eyes of the rankest of rank opportunists, each faction looking to exploit the others to advance a common political agenda. What they have left out of the equation is that the sins they have been all to willing overlook, or excuse, and project onto their common foe will propagate and become virtues to those who have been inculcated with a sense of moral superiority and saintly virtue.

    This has the makings on an internecine struggle that could result in them burning the Democrat coalition (it is not a Party) to the ground and scattering it’s ashes to the wind.

  5. First DJT gets through a 16 person field to win the Primary. Then against nearly impossible opposition from everyone from MSM to Never Trumpers he takes the Presidency. Now his (and our) socialist baby killer enemies have gone insane and are firing upon one another.
    Do Not try to tell me God doesn’t have His hand in this.

  6. the Democrat Party is totally invested in inculcating a sense of hatred among its base for anyone or any group who stands in their way. They would not know common decency and respect for anyone who is not letting them have their own way if it bit them in the ass.

    This coming convention is going to make 1968 look like a ghetto birthday party at Chuck E Cheese in comparison. That is if it gets that far. I have been saying: don’t be at all surprised if it is cancelled. I live close enough to Portland and Seattle to have personal knowledge of what the Democrats have created. Believe me, the Democrat leadership is well aware of what these monsters are capable of. I say it is 50/50 that the nominating convention is cancelled.

    You read it here first.

  7. So, I have begun to add raisinettes to my popcorn and recording one msnbc show per week in order to track the leftist decent into a hell of projection hysteria. I watch Democrat’s smugly deride decent people and noble ideas in order to prepare us not to be alarmed when trump and his supporters are incarcerated or worse.

  8. Guys, good posts today, but Bernie is going to get the nomination. And he will pick Booker as his VP, in order to lock in the black vote and rally the troops for massive voter fraud. Trust me, this is not going to be a landslide for Trump. We are quite possibly closer to Civil War 2 than you think…


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