$86 Million: Impeachment Gifted Trump Campaign’s Digital Fundraising ‘Juggernaut’ Its Biggest Month Since 2016 – IOTW Report

$86 Million: Impeachment Gifted Trump Campaign’s Digital Fundraising ‘Juggernaut’ Its Biggest Month Since 2016

Daily Caller: President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee raised upwards of $86 million in February, making it the largest digital fundraising monthly haul since 2016.

Republicans raised more than $3 million per day for the entire month. MORE

2 Comments on $86 Million: Impeachment Gifted Trump Campaign’s Digital Fundraising ‘Juggernaut’ Its Biggest Month Since 2016

  1. That’s a lot of Dough ray me! I wonder how much they make off of good money management? Hope they’re sharing the wealth with much-needed House races.

    Just read in Doug Wead’s book that in ’16, when Don Jr. asked the RNC for their donor list, the RNC wouldn’t give it to him so Jr. recruited a few friends and just started calling all their business and hunting buddies. They raised so much money that the RNC had the gall to ask Jr. for his list! Wead says the National GOP has since got the religion and is solidly behind Trump, but you sure couldn’t tell that was the case with many of the state GOPs. They’re still protecting their little fiefdoms.

  2. And Trump’s approval numbers went up. I hear Shiff & Pelosi are trying to cook up another batch of impeachment cookies. Please do so, Trump can use a good laugh.


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