Time for the community to rally around one of our own once more – IOTW Report

Time for the community to rally around one of our own once more

It’s Eugenia’s turn.

Just got word from her that she is having major surgery first thing in the morning.

Without getting into details, she actually had a different way of saying “early in the morning,” and it tied into the type of surgery she is having.

Let me just say that we are a very funny group, because her line was extremely funny and clever. This site never ceases to amaze me.

A particularly infuriating and sad part of this saga is that Eugenia actually diagnosed her own illness and it fell on deaf ears for much, much too long.


Here is a message to us all from Eugenia-

“This is why I haven’t been as vocal and annoying at IOTWR for months. I’m counting on the IOTWers to pray for me!  With prayers and luck I will only be in the hospital 3 days. Tell the boys and girls to behave.  Soon I will feel better and pester more people!”

52 Comments on Time for the community to rally around one of our own once more

  1. This prayer list of mine is getting longer and longer. The fact is, everyone on it is there so I can at least send a prayer and good thoughts. Be good Eugenia!

  2. healing prayers already coming your way … but we ain’t promising to behave while your away … so, you better get back soon! we need you!

    love ya kid … get well

  3. Eugenia, I hope you enjoyed those fishing lures I sent you a few years ago (2015?).

    I’m praying for your surgery to be a success, your recovery to be discomfort-free and the quacks forget to bill you.

  4. Eugenia, chances are I was within 200 yards of you earlier today while I was at City, perhaps I am wrong. Anyway, all us NEOs have to stick together. Leftie wife and I are stickin with you like glue. Our prayer is for your immediate and unexplained complete return to HEALTH. We are with you.
    Be well.
    We all need you.

  5. Thanks to all! Thanks BFH! flip I’m stuck in a Cleveland hospital and not exactly close. Unfortunately specialty surgeons for this problem are few and far between. The gawd almighty Clinic. Time for me to pretend to sleep until 4:00AM

    Handy hint: Do not ask a librarian for books on the Afrika Korps. You will be directed to African-American history.

  6. …we do seem to have a long prayer list here at iotw as joe6pack suggests, but it’s not too big for my Lord to handle.

    Plain Jane, Claudia, now Eugenia, abd there have been others along the way, too many for comfort, truth be told, but not too many for God.

    It’s mostly because with age comes wisdom, and we’re a very wise group indeed…

    I myself have asked and received prayers here, and can testify that the Lord has heard them.

    So that said…

    Lord, we are not worthy but by the blood of Christ, but we come before You again as You command in obedience to Your council that “ye have not, because ye ask not” (James 4:2).

    Tonight, Lord, we ask to have health and healing for our sister, your daughter Eugenia, that she may be delivered of this malady by the Ultimate Physician, using the hands and minds of surgeons He created, to adress her hurts, numb her wounds, and give full and complete healing. I need not know what it is, for it is already known to You, and it is in faith and trust in You that we eagerly await Your answer which is already on the way, and the good report that You have in store for Eugenia will be to Your glory as we will know it to be Your doing, and we lift up Your name in praise and thanksgiving.

    Thus, Lord, do we praise and thank You for Your mercy and Your healing, now and forever, in the precious name of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

    God Bless,

  7. Rats! I thought we were going to have a “Name Eugenia’s Ailment” contest. Before I could even think of the ways you could say “early morning” it was over!

    Prayers and petitions to our merciful Abba for you dearest Eugenia.

    NOW SHUT DOWN YOUR ELECTRONIC DEVICE AND GO TO SLEEP (before I call the charge nurse and she cuts off your internet access). We’ll all expect a full report in a few days.

  8. Why Worry
    There are only two things to worry about,
    if you are sick or if you are well.
    If you are well then there is nothing to worry about
    and if you are sick
    there are only two things to worry about.

    Either you are going to get better or your not.
    If you are going to get better
    then there is nothing to worry about
    and if your not
    there is only two things to worry about.

    Either your going to live or you are going to die.
    If you are going to live
    then there is nothing to worry about
    and if you are going to die
    there is only two things to worry about.

    Either you are going to Heaven or to Hell.
    If you are going to Heaven
    then there is nothing to worry about
    and if you go to Hell
    you will be so busy shaking hands with your old friends
    you won’t have time to worry anyway.

    So Why Worry

  9. Haven’t spoken with Eugenia much, but would be very grateful if she will come back and pester me.

    Prayers, friend, and may you not just know, but *feel* it in your bones, that we are thinking of you and sending out love.

  10. Haven’t spoken with Eugenia much, but would be very grateful if she will come back and pester me.

    Prayers, friend, and may you not just know, but *feel* it in your bones, that we are thinking of you and sending out love.

  11. Eugenia, a few years ago Abigail Adams needed prayer, I signed her up in our “book of intentions” at our little Catholic country mission. And I believe she did very well, and I will do the same for you. May God guide the surgeon’s hands and the Angels of peace surround you

  12. Praying for a quick recovery and that you’ll be back up and dancing in no time (or at the very least able to hold a good beat like that duck). Godspeed and best wishes from Oregon.


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