Maxine’s Moronic Moments – IOTW Report

Maxine’s Moronic Moments

15 Comments on Maxine’s Moronic Moments

  1. I think there is a real shot at unseating this crazy old bag in November. She’ll be running a half-assed campaign figuring that the blacks will elect her as usual. If the GOP finds a decent candidate then make a great deal of Trump and his accomplishments for blacks and contrasting that with old Max and her verbal fuckups as well as hammering her not living in her district and the waste of time the Dems all spent trying to unseat the only President in memory that has not only made things better for, but will listen to black voters. Then if she’s voted out then her protection is gone and the investigations can begin. The same thing goes with a number of black Democrat incumbents.

  2. Makes ya wonder about California – two of their most batshit distempered corrupt lying thieving maggots in Congress are carpetbaggers – one from Baltimore and another from St. Louis.
    Aren’t there any home-grown liars, thieves, maggots, and corrupt-o-crats who suffer from flights of imbecility and distemper?

    Wobbles the mind.

    izlamo delenda est …


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