Country Duck – IOTW Report

Country Duck

17 Comments on Country Duck

  1. One of the reasons tyranny is growing so rapidly is that Americans are completely unable to understand how a little tyranny leads to a total police state.

    Americans don’t recognize how checkpoints and liability insurance lead to smoking laws, kill lists, NDAA indefinite detention, CIA torture, NSA wiretapping, police militarization, and TSA groping.
    Americans think laws against masturbation, vasectomies, neckties, yoga pants, declawing, guns, football, and microbeads are just a joke and only apply to others.

    Americans don’t know history and don’t see themselves ever being sent to the concentration camps, but patriotic Americans who are awake should be concerned.

    Why can’t patriots start newspapers, radio stations, TV stations, and build websites today to warn Americans?

    Why not educate Americans that freedom is good? Tell Americans that tyranny killed millions of people in the USSR, Nazi Germany, and Cambodia. Americans simply just don’t realize that people try to break out of prisons for a reason.

    North Koreans try to escape because North Korea is gray and unhappy.
    Now Americans hate liberty and want the USA to turn into North Korea.

    Americans who thought that they would drop out and stop paying taxes to resist tyranny now might wonder if the elites have turned the tables by scaring people to fear a virus so that the ruling class can easily shut down borders, airports, bus stations, train stations, and highways, set up checkpoints, and starve the 99% to death.

    How could US debt, wars, and tyranny end well? The decline has become so obvious now, who wouldn’t be surprised if the entire world implodes in the next 10 years?

    Americans will lose their guns soon, but patriots should remember to think out of the box and adapt. The US never defeated Vietnam. Trucks can be used as weapons, too.

  2. Man, I wish I had a duck like that!

    Cood do a “Big bAnd thing ” like gGene Kruppa!
    I cood sing and bill coud play tha sexophone and Barry coud tap dance and Liz and stEyer cood spaz dance!


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